Roundup (AKA Glyphosate), introduced in 1974, is the most widely used herbicide and desiccant in the U.S. A recent study published in the journal Environmental Sciences Europe is suggesting that it is directly causing serious health concerns for Americans.
Both French and UK researchers have discovered that when exposed to “ultra-low” doses, liver disease and even liver cancer emerges in rats. Lead researcher, Dr. Michael Antoniou, states the exact “mechanism of how liver disease/cancer we observed arises is currently unknown, but given the extremely low level that caused the disease, one plausible mechanism is endocrine disruption.”
Endocrine disrupters are substances which push your bodies hormones out of balance, often elevating estrogen (a known cancer aggrivant), lowering testosterone and adrenal hormones as well as thyroid, cholesterol and insulin.
Roundup and Lymphoma
This year Monsanto (the makers of Roundup) are being served with 380 individual lawsuits by 380 unique plaintiffs who all say they got non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma because of Roundup. Each and every one of these used roundup weekly in their yard, spraying weeds and their lawn so they can “keep up with the Jones’s.”
A study published in Environmental Research and Public health sparked these lawsuits when it connected roundup exposure to risks for developing lymphoma. Various other studies, like the one in Organic Systems, which connected roundup use with cancers of thyroid, liver, bladder, pancreas and kidneys.
When a senior Monsanto representative was asked to comment in a public interview he stated “Roundup is safe. So safe you could drink it without any harm.” The interviewer then offered the representative a glass of RoundUp. He refused and abruptly ended the interview.
Roundup and ADHD
In 2015 a study out of an Ohio based independent research team found that RoundUp use in the US coincides with a surge in ADHD related visits to local doctors. When asked how, they state Roundup increases a crops Nitric Oxide, which when exposed at high levels is a known risk factor for ADHD.
Roundup and Dementia/Alzheimers
A study from the MIT found that crops sprayed with Roundup are extremely low in the nutrient Manganese (not magnesium) which certain bacteria in your intestine need to live. When the microbiome is shifted away from the normal floral patterns, the Gut-Brain-Axis is disrupted which has been shown to rapidly disintegrate the brain.
Roundup and Weight Loss Resistance/Obesity
As noted above, when the microbiome is out of balance, there are also connections to obesity – mostly due to the “leaky-gut” damage. Roundup physically opens holes in the intestines and the natural response to throw fatty tissue in the abdomen and viscera to protect the body. A study in Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine also found that Roundup can damage your bodies “natural weight control mechanisms,” i.e. ability to burn fat and regulate fat burning hormones (leptin, thryoid, ghrelin and CCK).
What To Do To Lower Your Risk
Obviously the first step is to eliminate your exposure to Roundup. One way is to STOP USING it around your home if you currently are! (There are many “natural” ways to control weeds – your lawn and driveway will still look nice and you will be protecting yourself, your family and even your community!)
The next layer of protection is to STOP EATING Roundup. Monsanto genetically modifies seeds to produce a higher yield of crop and live in the presence of heavy RoundUp exposure. In the beginning of this article, I also mentioned that Roundup is the #1 desiccant used in the US. A desiccant is a chemical that is used as a drying agent. A good example is that small white packet that comes in some of your supplements that says “DO NOT EAT.” It’s there to keep the product dry. Another Roundup use, outside of being a herbicide, is found when you spray it directly onto food items already harvested (corn, rice, wheat, soy, oats, potatoes etc) – it helps them to “dry out” faster – which means they can be processed faster!
To reduce your eating exposure to Roundup you must:
1. Consume only non-GMO-Verified products (i.e., they do not contain GMO seeds, which decreases the likelihood they are being sprayed).
2.Consume only ORGANIC fruits and vegetables. It’s not enough today to be GMO free. Heirloom seeds could be grown non-organically and thus sprayed with RoundUp.
3. Stay away from all grains (specifically Corn, Soy, Wheat, Rice and Oats) which are known to be heavily sprayed and dried with Roundup in the US.
4. Watch out for foods cooked in Canola Oil (the majority of Canola Plants, i.e., rapeseeds plants are GMO and sprayed heavily. This means ALL fried foods could contain Roundup.
5. Avoid US Based Red/White Wine. Please don’t shoot the messenger, but an article published LAST WEEK pointed out that every US wine tested was found to contain Roundup . Why? It’s used in vineyards to dry the vines as grapes are extremely subject to downy mildew and powdery mildew (that white film you sometime see on grapes) as well as “black rot,” which affects the leaves. This is why I exclusively recommend as they lab test each NON-US based wine for the presence of mold, mildew, toxins, sugar and ROUNDUP
6 Stay away from Corn: This also includes corn oil, corn syrup and corn solids – which is in EVERYTHING (but mostly chips and crackers).
I realize you may still think this is just me writing another newsletter with some “good info” in it. Well it isn’t. The included graphs come from a 2014 study published in the Journal of Organic Systems. They are just 5 of 14 they have published connecting the usage of Roundup in the US to everything from Cancer to Autism and Hospitalizations to inflammatory bowel disease (IBS / IBD).
It doesn’t take a scientist to see the nearly 1:1 correlation between the amount of Roundup used in the US and the prevalence of these conditions. Mark my words… in 20-30 years from now the years 2000-2020 will be known as the “Round Up Generation” – one where we an epidemic of disease and say to ourselves – “how could we have been so stupid – the cause was right under our noses.”