What’s The Message Of Your Health? Is It Contagious?

By Dr Ernst
August 2, 2022

This last Sunday my pastor gave one of the best messages I have heard in a long time. Have you ever had a Sunday sermon like that?

One where the left-hand side of the sermon notes are from the pastors message while the right hand side, side margins and any usable space is the message God is speaking to you during that same sermon.

Well buckle up – here’s the message God gave me this Sunday – I hope it blesses you as much as it has me.

What Is the Message of Your Health Saying?

Jesus explicitly instructs his disciples and followers to “go out and heal the sick” in Matthew Chapter 10:8 when he said “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.”

Just as we are to live a contagious “faith life” by being the message, model and imitation of Jesus in our day to day life – I think we should also do the same with our “health life.”

Are you acting like Jesus in your health life? Do you remember the popular phrase “What Would Jesus Do” (WWJD) that filled many shirts, hats, bumper stickers and rubber wrist bands? I wonder if Jesus would take medications for a health issue (well he wouldn’t have one in the first place – he’s God after all), but you get the idea.

Would Jesus be eating what you had for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack or desert? What about the workout you skipped – would Jesus have slept in?

While this may sound like shame/condensation to some, it’s quite the opposite – it reflects the great calling – to think/act and be more like Him in all areas of our life (not just our Sunday routines) but all areas – faith, finances, fitness, fun, family….

Is your health so immaculately vibrant and strong that others are drawn to it? Do you exude that energetic-attractive-vibrancy of health such that those around you are begging to know “what your secret is” or “what program are you following to get such good results?”

These moments are the perfect opportunities for you to model, imitate and spread the message of real healing to those near you but fat from health. If you haven’t had this happened to you yet -just wait – as you continue your healing journey with us it’s bound to happen!

Are you imitating and being a model for others who are sick, suffering and looking for a way out?

When is the last time you healed someone?

Raising someone back from the dead (PS: it doesn’t have to be physically from grave to life. Sickness back to health is the same thing, trust me!).

Have you cleansed anyone with leprosy (a state of body decay) or driven demons out of anyone?

Have you ever thought that you may be the only example of real health/healing someone ever comes in contact with during their life?

Let that sink in as you consider the average American adult takes four (4) prescription drugs for a condition you can help them with! Yes you!

I guarantee that you know what they need to do for their condition to return to health.

Chose to Live On mission every day as you authentically represent God’s healing power to a world that is desperate for healing. Think about it….

How much energy does a healthy person have? The answer is ALOT!
How many prescriptions does a healthy person take? The answer is NONE!
How much anxiety/depression is in the minds of the healthy? The answer is NONE!
How much “extra weight” does a healthy person carry? The answer is NONE!
How much peace/joy and freedom is enjoyed by the healthy? The answer is ALOT!

James 2:20 famously quotes “faith without works is death” – implying that dead faith results from lack of work, which is the result an unchanged life or a spiritually dead heart.

It could also be said that “health without works is death” – implying that sickness, illness and disease is also from lack of work, due to an unchanged lifestyle or a body that contains interference with its innate healing powers.

Most “holistic practitioners” use this to say “take action” or “follow your diet” or “implement the program before you” but I think it goes deeper than just physically following a plan.

Radical improvements in your health require a mindset shift towards understanding you are not just improving your health for yourself, that should be the side effect.

A true health change should be to impact those around you, a contagious form of health that you now have – and can’t wait to share with someone else – just as Jesus commanded – GO! HEAL THE SICK!

So my question to you today – who is benefiting from the health change you have experienced while here? Who do you need to share your journey with – only to have them say “How do I get the results you did?”

Right there… that’s the opportunity to tell them about Jesus’s healing power within them – one that simply needs to be unlocked and set free so that IT can spread through them, heal them so that they then become the person who is “health contagious” to the next person in need.

Changing health care is really that simple!

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