The 7 Biggest Benefits of Whey Protein

By Dr Ernst
May 28, 2021

You’ve probably heard of it. Maybe you just think it’s for bodybuilders. But whey protein truly has many health benefits. Here are my top the 7 reasons to have whey protein daily:

1. Increases Strength and Builds Muscle

Hence the bodybuilder association. And it’s true. A recent 10-week study showed that whey protein boosts both muscle mass and strength. The men who took the whey protein combination gained body mass, muscle mass and body strength. They also found that it increased protein synthesis and improved muscle performance! Whey protein is the most efficient way to add protein to the diet without extra calories from carbohydrates or fat. Whey protein typically contains 80-90% protein which is higher than compared to lean red meat, chicken, fish, eggs or cheese. It provides the body with what it needs to build muscle, strength and to recover quickly after a workout.

2. Reduces Cravings

Ghrelin and Leptin are the two hormones that help to regulate appetite. Leptin primarily effects energy balance, while ghrelin regulates hunger, but the two work together to tell your body when it needs to eat. Whey protein seems to affect these two hormones and causes them to balance out and decreases hunger cravings.

3. Burns Fat – Lose Weight!

Whey protein burns fat! In a Paris study, French scientists studied animals that exercised for two hours daily for more than five weeks. One group of the animals exercised in the fasting state while the others had sugar, whole milk, or whey protein. The group that fasted lost muscle during their workout. The group that consumed sugar burned sugar for their workouts but very little fat. The group that consumed whole milk did see improvements in muscle mass but also gained some body fat.

But the group that supplemented with whey protein saw both a decrease in body fat and an increase in muscle! You want less fat and more muscle, don’t you? Of course you do.

4. Improves Blood Sugar & Improves Energy

Whey stabilizes blood sugar when taken with a high glycemic index meal. It stimulates the production of insulin, and prevent dramatic spikes in blood sugar levels. Whey protein also increases glycogen which is the source of energy during exercising or heavy activity. Plus whey protein enhances the effect of leptin, the hormone affecting energy balance). The protein of whey is easily digested and accessed by the body to convert into energy.

5. Boosts Glutathione

Whey protein helps increase the production of glutathione which is the “master antioxidant.” It is a found in every cell in your body and helps eliminate free radicals, which are the reactive oxidants that cause cell damage. These particles usually occur naturally during the metabolism of energy in the mitochondrial process. However, when the body is taxed from toxic exposure, heavy metals, or disease, then the level of free radicals increases. In today’s pesticide-soaked, polluted and processed world, any help you can get in terms of detoxification is worth pursuing. Taking whey protein helps to fight free radicals and disease.

6. Extends Lifespan

Whey protein has been found to actually increase life span. In a recent study where they supplemented middle aged mice with whey protein it increased the average lifespan by 12%.

That is like adding 10 years to your life! As we age we lose bones mass, cell function and our quality of digestion decreases. Whey protein has been shown to reduce the loss in all of these areas, making it one powerful superfood!

7. Boosts Immunity

Whey protein boosts your immune system! Glutathione also boosts the effectiveness of all the other antioxidants like Vitamin C, Coenzyme Q10, ALA and Vitamin E. It’s a big exponentially beneficial synergy that combines to keep you healthy, strong and vital.

It helps heal the effect of environmental and dietary toxins. Due to the high levels of glutathione, whey protein is an ideal choice to fight illness and disease on a cellular level!

Why protein is great when bought as a powdered supplement. It comes in a variety of flavors–even chocolate. I like to combine it with berries and coconut oil, but you can really make a protein shake with anything you’d like for added nutrients and flavor. And the best part? It’s an incredible nutritional bang for your buck.

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