The EMF Danger Coursing Through Your Bedroom

By Dr Ernst
January 24, 2018

You spend a lot of time in your bedroom. You’re just there, sleeping, hour after hour, night after night. It is wise to consider what’s happening in that room while you are there–and how it affects your health.

Electric Blankets

The health concerns related to electric blankets isn’t really a big secret. In fact, electric blanket manufacturers have responded to health concerns by redesigning their products so that magnetic fields are no longer present, taking the “M” out of EMF radiation.

But if you are still using an electric blanket from more than 10 years ago (and I know some of you are), you are putting yourself at risk of:

  • Disrupting your DNA and cellular replication, which can lead to cancer
  • An increased risk of breast cancer
  • An increased risk of leukemia
  • An increased risk of Alzheimer’s
  • Sleep disorders
  • Hormonal stress response (which leads to a myriad of health issues)

Despite positive changes in the electric blanket industry, there are still some concerns about the electrical fields that envelop you as you sleep.

If you use one of these blankets while pregnant, you increase your chances of miscarriage by almost double. They can magnify the effects of EMF radiation you get elsewhere (more on that later) and it can still exacerbate the effects of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS).

A solution would be just to avoid electric blankets altogether. Get an extra blanket, flannel sheets or warmer pajamas.


If you are like almost all Americans, WiFi is floating through your household 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

This signal is a type of EMF radiation that, like any type of EMF, disrupts your cellular function–most notably the replication process at the genetic level. The “low-gigaherz” frequency of WiFi signals are particularly dangerous.

It’s difficult when every coffee shop, grocery store, office, airport, etc. are filled with WiFi signals. If you live in an apartment building, you are probably surrounded by multiple WiFi signals. So what do you do?

Firstly, turn off your router before bed. That’s the easiest action step. Secondly, there are products that help to neutralize EMFs in your house. Here is an example of a small unit that you plug into a wall outlet that helps lower the amount of EMF radiation floating through your house. Many similar products exist. And they do work.

Cell phones

Cellular signals are very similar to WiFi signals. And here’s the thing. Most of us plug our phones in next to our bed, use it for our alarm clock and just basically sleep with it.

I recommend you don’t sleep with your cell phone. Get an “old school” alarm clock and leave your phone plugged in somewhere besides the bedroom.


Many of us also watch TV in bed. And I totally get that. It’s comfy and relaxing. It is so nice to settle into bed for the night, turn on your favorite show and finish out the day.

But the blue light from our computer and TV screens are damaging to our eyes, create a stress response in our bodies and make it more difficult to sleep.

I don’t personally feel it is necessary to remove the TV from your bedroom altogether. But I would recommend that you consider two small changes:

  1. Make it a special occasion sort of thing. Don’t make it a nightly habit to fall asleep in front of a flickering television screen. Maybe just the one time per week when your favorite show airs, or on weekend nights when you want to snuggle and watch a movie.
  2. When not in use (and especially before you fall asleep), unplug the TV, thus minimizing the EMF that comes off of your TV even when it is switched off.

If you manage these four concerns, you will be very much ahead of the game when it comes to protecting yourself from EMF radiation. However, the modern world is brimming with it, which is why it is also important to detox. Use red light saunas, make sure you walk around outside with bare feet (which clears built-up electrons from your body), eat clean and make sure you exercise moderately at least a few times per week so your detox pathways are working at optimum levels.


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