Heard Of A “Leaky Gut”? What About A “Leaky Brain”?

By Dr Ernst
December 2, 2020

I think you will agree with me-your brain is THE most important organ in your body-it helps you think, store memories, allows you to work, play, rest and eel emotions. It’s the center of your bodies functions and regulates all systems in you. A healthy brain is not only important, but essential to living a long healthy life. This is why you have what is known as your “Blood Brain Barrier” aka BBB which is a selectively permeable membrane regulates the passage of a multitude of large and small molecules into the microenvironment of the neurons.

Think of it as a tightly-nit fence, which only allows certain things to enter the cells of your brain-only a select number of substances can passthrough the endothelial cells. Such substances include lipid-soluble substances (e.g., oxygen, carbon dioxide) can pass through. Hydrophilic substances, for example, hydrogen and bicarbonate, are not permitted to pass.

This BBB is composed of brain capillary endothelial cells that are linked together by what’s called “tight junctions,” similar to the tight junctions lining your intestines. Leaky gut and leaky brain often occur at the same time. This is not surprising if you consider the connection between your gut and your brain.

Recently the proteins occludin and zonulin have been found to be elevated in the blood when both gut and blood-brain barrier leaks are present. If you have antibodies against these two proteins, it can be a good indication that you have both leaky gut and leaky brain. Additionally, another biomarker has been isolatedmicroRNA-155molecule levels also indicate increase inflammation that may result in microscopic gaps in the blood-brain barrier.

A Leaky brain may show up in a variety of ways and carries the following symptoms:-Brain Fog-Dizziness-Irritability-Anxiety-Depression-ConcentrationIssues-Memory Problems-Fatigue-Headaches-Digestive Issues-Numbness/Tingling In Arms/Legs.

While these symptoms can be common don’t think this means they are normal by any means. If you have a leaky brain for any duration of time it can have serious consequences on your health including increasing your risk for-Cognitive decline or dementia-Neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease-Multiple sclerosis or peripheral neuropathy-Metabolic disorders (diabetes, cancer, metabolic syndrome, heart disease.

What Causes A Leaky Brain? The #1 cause of a leaky brain is a diet high in refined sugars, diary and processed carbohydrates and grains (wheat, corn and oats).These food types are especially dangerous because they result in blood sugar imbalances. While eating a quick high carb snack or carb-heavy meal may feel emotionally satisfying and give you a burst of energy short-term, it will also lead to a sudden blood sugar drop characterized by fatigue and brain fog, irritability, lightheadedness, mood fluctuations, anxiety, fatigue, and increasing cravings.

Dysbiosis and Intestinal Permeability If you have been reading anything on this site, or following my teachings to any degree, you’ve already learned that there is a strong connection between your gut and health(including your brain health). The communication between the gut and your brain is an ongoing, long-term, and intimate conversation. Gut dysbiosis, infections in the small and large bowl, and intestinal permeability or leaky gut can increase your risk of leaky brain as well.

Chronic dysbiosis and gut leak trends towards chronic inflammation and overall body imbalance. If you have gut dysbiosis, it means that you have too much bacteria or yeast in your gut. Specifically, candida and gram-negative bacteria (E. Coli, Salmonella, and Shigella)have been found connected to a leaky brain as the yeast and bacteria releases acetaldehyde, gliotoxins and LPS endotoxins that disrupt the blood-brain barrier.

Other culprits to a leaky brain include chronic stress, poor sleep, toxic heavy metals, vaccine injury, nutritional deficiencies and occiput/atlas spinal misalignments.

Fixing A Leaky Brain As with any natural health correction lies in understanding the cause. Eliminating sugar, processed carbohydrates, dairy and grains is just the tip of the iceberg-it will prevent any future damage from occurring, but you still need to “clean up” the previous damage. This begins with a gut rebuild-eat plenty of prebiotic-rich foods, including onion, garlic, leek, asparagus, and Jerusalem artichokes, and probiotic-rich foods, such as sauerkraut, kimchi, and kefir. You can also consider taking digestive enzymes, betaine HCL and ox bile to support digestion. Finally, there are a number of good nutrients like probiotics, L-glutamine, Glycine, aloe and ginger that help to reduce inflammation in the gut.

Consider having a wellness physician run formal test on your gut healthy, markers to determine if your brain is leaking and to assess your toxic load. With this information they can help you design a custom dietary, nutritional and detoxification plan that will have your brain healing in no time.

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