The Healing Power Of Fermented Enzymes & Food

By Dr Ernst
July 11, 2022

Do you know what a healing enzyme drink is? Chances are, not likely. These amazing healing elixirs can improve immunity, digestive system overall energy and health all while being made in the comfort of your home!

What is an enzyme drink?
Well maybe we should start with what is an enzyme? Enzymes are special proteins (their names end in “-ase”) that help the body preform every metabolic function it has everything from digesting food to creating hormones, enzymes are at work 24/7/365!

Enzymes are highly specialized and can even be found in raw foods, fermented foods and even supplemental forms.

The human body produces its own enzymes, nearly 3,000 enzymes currently known, and they are involved in more than 8,000 metabolic reactions. You will find digestive enzymes in your saliva, gastric juice, and bile.
The most common are amylase (digests carbohydrates), proteases (digests protein), lipase (digests fat), and cellulase (digests plants). You also have metabolic enzymes, like Thyroid Peroxidase, which helps you make thyroid hormone T4.  

A 2018 study found that some raw fruits and vegetables are rich in enzymes, such as pineapple, papaya, banana, and figs, and that cooking food degrade the enzymes strengths.
That is why raw enzyme drinks are useful. Fermentation is a natural process that does not involve cooking with high heat, and thus, the enzymes are retained at 100% strength!

Fruit Enzymes vs Fruit Vinegar

Fruit enzyme drinks are easily made by fermenting fruit with sugar or honey for three to four weeks in an air-tight container. You simply strain, then can consume the liquid.
On the other hand, fruit vinegar requires a longer two-part process. First, you ferment the juice into alcohol. Then, acetic acid bacteria will convert the alcohol into vinegar. The most commonly known fruit vinegar is made from grapes fermented to wine which is then “vinegarized” into what you use on your salads – balsamic vinegar.

Foods Highest In Natural Healing Enzymes:
Pineapple – Papaya – Mango – Banana – Kiwi Fruit
Raw Honey – Ginger – Avocado – Keifer – Sauerkraut
Kimchi – Kombucha – Miso

Digestive Enzymes vs Probiotics

Digestive enzymes are perhaps more important than probiotics – as they do all the heavy lifting in the stomach to prepare the “food” for your gut bacteria. Digestive enzymes simply help you liquefy the food you swallow into an easier to absorb micro nutrient – smaller sugars, fats and proteins.

This makes them easier to absorb through your digestive membranes.

Are you vitamin/mineral deficient – the #1 reason is digestive enzyme deficiency, thus you can’t absorb the vitamins/minerals you eat/take!

Digestive enzymes and probiotics are critical for maintaining a healthy digestive system, and sometimes they complement each other. Thus, you may notice that a single supplement might contain both probiotics and digestive enzymes.

Probiotics are living organisms, such as live bacteria/yeast, that live in your digestive system (small/large bowel) and improve your body’s physiological processes in numerous ways.

Popular among environmentally and health-conscious people, probiotic drinks (kombucha/kefir) also double as a fruit enzyme drinks – as most have a fruit base that was fermented. They are popular drinks that can improve gut health and to regulate our body’s pH levels. 

Note: Enzyme drinks are a slightly high carbohydrate “beverage” – though you may taste a small hint of alcohol. Why are these drinks sweet? Using fruits or vegetables containing natural fructose and stimulating the fermentation process with honey/palm sugar encourages the activation process. However, because there is no added fermenting agent like yeast, the fermentation is not 100% complete and some sugars remain. This is why we recommend only using enzyme drinks in phase 3 or beyond.

Enzyme drinks have been known to improve digestion, improve sleep, improve energy and improve overall health. You can easily make your own healing enzyme tonics and start the use of a disguise enzyme with each meal to give you the healing power of enzymes on a daily basis. Don’t forget – to try our AskDrEnrst fermented Pineapple Tepache Elixir HERE

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