Unconventional Ways To Boost Your Immunity? By Dr. Aaron Ernst, DC, LMP

By Dr Ernst
January 17, 2022

Picture your immune system as a complex system, like an army, that includes cells, enzymes and antibodies that never stops. A healthy, supported immune system is always on alert, scanning your body for invaders (viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungus and even toxins).

If I were to ask you for some ways to strengthen your immune system changes are you would say take Vitamin C, rest and possibly even have a bowl of your mothers chicken soup! (Fun fact: Did you know the original chicken soup for a cold was chicken bone broth – not a noddle based chicken soup!)

Most of us take our immune system for granted. A well-supported immune system can “silently” identify and attack threatening invaders before they create damage – often without you ever expressing any “cold symptoms.” If there is one thing the COVID pandemic has taught us – its to make sure your immune system is in tip top shape. Your body was designed to heal itself, and the immune system is its first line of defense and main system for that healing to occur. When you isolate what is interfering or weakening your immune system, remove that interference and provide the right support, your immune system can be supercharged and stay strong to fight the invaders that cause problems with your health.

What Weakens Your Immune System?

There are many things that can tax/stress your immune system – creating a weakened defense and slow healing process.

Sugar: The most intense destroyer of your immune system is your exposure to sugar (processed and even “natural” sugars)! A research study done by Loma Linda University in which participants were fed different forms of sugar found that the effectiveness of white blood cells – your primary immune cells which fight infection – decreased up to 50% in effectiveness after 1-2 hours of eating sugar, lasting up to five hours! How much sugar did they eat? 50 grams! That’s how much is found in just 1 can of your favorite carbonate beverage or an average bowl of oatmeal!

Environmental Toxins: In October of 2019, the University of Rochester Medical Center found that exposure to many common and ubiquitous forms of industrial pollution can harm the immune system. The effect was so profound they even noted the damage to the immune system was seen in subsequent generations (ie your children), weakening also their body’s defenses against infections such as the influenza virus!

The American Diet: In 2019 the journal of Immunity published an article titled: Western Diet and the Immune System: An Inflammatory Connection demonstrated a correlation between the standard American diet (which is high in grains, corn fed animal proteins, pork, vegetable oils, carbohydrates and low in healthy fats, nutrient rich fruits/vegetables along with nuts/seeds) and weakened immunity, reoccurring infections and increased incidence of chronic disease (diabetes, heart disease, obesity, cancer, etc).

Three Powerful Unconventional Ways To Bolster Your Immune System
Most of us incorrectly assume if we get vaccinated, take our Vitamin C, Zinc, Quercetin and/or other “natural immune boosters” (elderberry, echinacea etc) then we have strengthened our immune system. Please understand, you can’t increase your immune system via swallowing or being injected – you instead have to reboot/support your innate immunity from within (rather than from without).

Fasting: According to various published articles, fasting is the BEST way to bolster and even rebuild a weakened immunity. In April of 2020 the Journal of Proteomics published a study titled: Intermittent fasting from dawn to sunset for 30 consecutive days is associated with anticancer proteomic signature and up-regulates key regulatory proteins of glucose and lipid metabolism, circadian clock, DNA repair, cytoskeleton remodeling, immune system and cognitive function in healthy subjects. The title tells all – anticancer, helps lower sugars and cholesterols, resets your sleep, repairs your Dan, cells and boosts your immune system. Time to empty your breakfast plate for 30 days!

Want even better results? The university of Southern California discovered if you liquid fast (broth or water) for 3 days (72 hours) you starve the body which forces your system to save energy, and one of the things it can do to save energy is to recycle a lot of the immune cells that are not needed, especially those that may be damaged via a processed that forces rebirth of your immune system cells 100%.

Digestive Support (Digestive Enzymes/Probiotics): Your immune system is your digestive system. Researchers have estimated that 70-80% of your immune system is actually found within your digestive system (its called your GALT – Gut-Assisted-Lymphoid-Tissues). Translation – the better your digestive system and gut health the stronger your immune system.

Step 1: Take a digestive enzyme – this helps the food you eat become more liquid, predigested and lessens the burden on your intestines. It’s quite common for people to have undigested large proteins, fats and carbohydrates enter the small intestines which causes inflammation and irritation, weakening your GALT. Digestive enzymes should contain a broad spectrum of enzymes (lipase, protease, amylase, pepsin, Betaine HCL, Bile Slats (ox bile), Glucoamylase, Invertase and Diastase). The one we recommend is Digestzyme by Designs for Health.

Step 2: Take a soil based probiotic bacteria – aka SBO. They are made with soil-based organisms and are virtually indestructible probiotics that survive and thrive in the harsh environment of your gut. This helps nourish and support the lower digestive system which enhances your immune system. Note: when taking SBOs (or any probiotic for that matter) do not take them daily. Rather, follow a 14 day on/off pattern which matches your guts lining regeneration cycle – every 14 days your gut lining is new, so give it a 14-day break!

Chiropractic Care: If you think chiropractic care is only for pain, think again! Your immune system, gut and all cells of your body are controlled by your central nervous system (brain, spinal cord, and spinal nerves). As a result of this connection studies have shown that chiropractic care designed to realign the spine to normal position helps to restore nerve signals between your CNS and immune system which can potentially boost your immune system by as much as 200%.

Couple your chiropractic care with the other two techniques and you now have real health & immunity.

If you are looking for additional support for your health and immunity or simply a way to naturally reduce/eliminate the need for prescriptive and/or OTC medications schedule a FREE 15 min consult call with Dr. Ernst.

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