Wine & Coffee Beef Stew

By Dr Ernst
May 28, 2020


  • 2.5 lbs grass-fed stew meat
  • 3 cups of coffee
  • 1 cup bone broth
  • 1 cup button-cap mushrooms
  • 2/3 cup red wine
  • 1 medium onion, sliced
  • 3 TBSP coconut oil
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 TSP Salt
  • 1 TSP Pepper


– Cut stew meat into bite-sized cubes, brown in 3 tbsp coconut oil in a large pot. Season with salt and pepper as you cook. Remove from pot.

– Chop mushrooms, onion, and garlic, sautéing in the pot used to brown stew meat.

– Once onions are translucent, add coffee, bone broth, and red wine – bring to a low boil.

– Lower heat to simmer once a low boil is achieved and add cooked stew meat. Cover and simmer for a minimum of 60 min , up to 3 hrs. (Longer for thicker sauce)

Entire Batch
Fat Content: ~200g Protein Content: ~250g
Net Carbohydrate Content: ~16g (Total Cabs – Fiber)

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