Common Blood Pressure Drugs Cause Cancer

By Dr Ernst
May 3, 2016

Here is more proof that every symptom is a warning sign!

Recent study results from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, WA, suggest that long-term use of blood pressure drugs may increase the chance of developing breast cancer! So why would this happen?

Let’s look at what your blood carries:

1. Nutrients
2. Oxygen
3. Immune response (healing)

High blood pressure is an extremely common problem in America, which isn’t surprising when you examine the lifestyles that unfortunately mark our culture. It’s a culture that also promotes obesity, high blood sugar, diabetes, heart disease, and more. You know what we’re talking about.

If someone is living a lifestyle of sitting on the couch, not exercising, and eating whatever they want, the cells begin to starve for more oxygen and more nutrients. The body will then HAVE to increase the blood and speed up the blood to increase oxygen and nutrients to the cell. As the body gets sicker, the blood pressure will rise to increase immune response.

Are we saying NEVER take a blood pressure drug? No! If someone has a blood pressure of 200/100, they absolutely need to do something to lower their blood pressure immediately and get their body out of crisis mode. But the job of their doctor should be to find out WHY their blood pressure is high, get to the cause, so they don’t have to take the dangerous medication for the rest of their life! Because unfortunately, it’s all too often that starting a medication, even once, is a life sentence on a pill. Lowering your blood pressure but not knowing the cause, keeps you from bringing in the proper amount of oxygen creating HYPOXIA in the cells resulting in, you guessed it, CANCER!

Dr. Otto Warburg discovered this in the 1930s, saying: “Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. Almost anything can cause cancer. But even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. [Cancer develops with the] the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of the body’s cells by an anaerobic [i.e., oxygen-deficient] cell respiration.”

And he won a Nobel Prize for his discovery.

But it’s something we continuously need to re-discover. A 2012 study published in the Journal of Molecular Biology verified and confirmed Warburg’s discovery.

But when it comes to blood pressure, we see the band-aid over the symptom of a larger problem that can cause an even bigger problem–cancer.

We all know what a prescription is. Prescription is nothing more than a permission slip to keep living the same lifestyle.

What is the best solution? WebMD shared the answer – Chiropractic! Read on…

“This (Chiropractic) procedure has the effect of not one, but two blood-pressure medications given in combination,” study leader George Bakris, MD, tells WebMD. “And it seems to be adverse-event free. We saw no side effects and no problems,” adds Bakris, director of the University of Chicago hypertension center.

Eight weeks after undergoing a chiropractic procedure, 25 patients with early-stage high blood pressure had significantly lower blood pressure than 25 similar patients who underwent a fake chiropractic adjustment. Because patients can’t feel the technique, they were unable to tell which group they were in.

The choice is yours… take dangerous medication that has the potential to cause cancer or continue and recommend AskDrErnst Care to your friends & family – which is safe and effective!

Basically, we look to find the root cause of your high blood pressure (or whatever your ailment might be) and address that. More often than not, the root cause is poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle, but there might be nerve and nervous system communication issues, which we can address.

Then, you’ll be put under the care of our clinic director, Dr. Aaron Ernst, D.C., and our nutrition coach to formulate and customize a new lifestyle plan that will actually get rid of the root problems, at which point the high blood pressure will naturally recede.

Certain foods and certain activities can help with these issues.

It’s true that our method won’t eliminate the symptoms of high blood pressure as quickly as a pill, but they will surely go a lot further in fixing your health problems and bringing your body back to balance.

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