“High Intensity Interval Training” By Dr. Jeff Ashforth, B.S.,D.C.

By Dr Ernst
February 28, 2024

In the realm of fitness, there’s a term that often floats around, capturing the attention of both seasoned athletes and newcomers alike: EPOC, or Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption. While it might sound like a mouthful, understanding this phenomenon is key to unlocking the full potential of your workout routine.

Imagine your body as a high-performance engine, revving up during exercise to meet the demands of physical exertion. As you engage in activities like running, weightlifting, or even brisk walking, your muscles require an increased supply of oxygen to fuel their efforts. This heightened demand creates a temporary oxygen debt, setting the stage for EPOC to come into play.

EPOC is like the afterburn effect of a workout — the lingering impact that continues to burn calories and enhance metabolism long after you’ve left the gym. Picture it as your body’s way of recalibrating and restoring equilibrium post-exercise. During this phase, your body works overtime to replenish depleted energy stores, repair damaged muscle tissue, and regulate various physiological processes.

Here are some benefits of HIIT:

Workouts are short
Short on time? HIIT workouts last only 15-30 minutes! And don’t think you won’t see results from these quick workouts. Since you are working out at such a high intensity, you can get the same benefits as longer, lower-intensity cardio workouts.
Burn fat
HIIT workouts are great for fat loss. This is because it’s an anaerobic workout, meaning your muscles become deprived of oxygen and begin to use glucose as fuel while you’re performing bursts of all-out exercises. This helps you burn fat up to 48 hours post-workout. Also, since many HIIT workouts have you using your own body weight, you will be building muscle at the same time that you’re torching calories. More muscle=more calories burned at rest!
Boost your metabolism
One of the reasons HIIT can help you lose weight, despite short workouts, is that you will burn calories hours after your workout is finished. In addition to speeding up your metabolism, HIIT also stimulates production of human growth hormones (HGH). As well as helping burn calories, HGH can slow down the aging process.
Do HIIT anywhere
HIIT workouts can be tailored to what you enjoy most. Tabata-style workout classes are a very popular option. You can also build a HIIT workout routine on your own by running/walking in intervals on the treadmill or doing four to five rounds of body weight exercises like burpees, jumping jacks and squat jumps. As long as you are getting your heart rate up (to the point where you can’t speak, and you feel like your heart is going to pump out of your chest), you’ll see results.
Challenging workouts for anyone
No matter your age or fitness level, HIIT workouts are do-able for everyone. Since the goal is to get your heart pumping at its max, you can go at your own pace. Workouts are designed to challenge you and push your limits. HIIT is anything but boring!
To embark on your HIIT journey, start by selecting exercises that engage large muscle groups, such as squats, lunges, burpees, and mountain climbers.

Next, determine your work-to-rest ratio, aiming for intervals of 20-60 seconds of high-intensity effort followed by 20-60 seconds of rest or active recovery. Design a circuit comprising 4-6 exercises and perform each for the designated time, completing 2-4 rounds with minimal rest in between.

Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your intervals as you build endurance. Remember to warm up thoroughly, stay hydrated, and listen to your body’s cues to avoid injury and optimize results.

When is the best time to work out? For many, it’s bright and early in the morning. Morning workouts offer several advantages. First, you ensure that exercise remains a priority by getting your workout done before the day’s demands take hold. It sets a positive tone, giving you an immediate sense of achievement and endorphin-fueled energy that can carry you through the day. Research suggests that morning exercise can help establish a consistent fitness routine, improve sleep quality, boost metabolism, and promote fat burning.

In short, HIIT workouts are hard, and they’re effective! No matter if you’re a seasoned athlete or new to working out, you’ll push yourself, increase your heart rate, and improve your overall health.

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