How To Stop Seasonal Allergies Once & For All

By Dr Ernst
April 8, 2019

It’s that time of year again – the birds are chirping; the sun sets later in the day and everything is covered in pollen! What makes spring so beautiful can also be misery for those who have seasonal allergies (Note: not everyone has allergies – so there is hope for you to kick the allergies one for all)

Cut grass, blooming trees, flowers, weeds and pollen are the allergy trigger for an estimated 50-60 million Americans. Medically termed “allergic rhinitis,” seasonal allergies don’t just occur in the spring – it’s any time an eternal derived foreign object (i.e. pollen, dander etc.) gets access to the inners of your body and activates an immune response. Yes – allergies have to do with your immune system so hopefully you can understand that there is an underlying cause (deficient or overactive immune system) which means there is a cure for allergies!

Having allergies can be challenging – mostly because many of the OTC and even prescriptive therapies are ineffective and chronic sneezing, itching eyes, congestion, headaches, sinus pressure, runny nose can become unbearable, even debilitating, over time.

A significant amount of research is suggesting there are natural solutions and even cures available to you – but you won’t find them in a nasal spray or pill bottle/packet – but we can learn something from them. These medicines work by blocking histamine (thus why they are called “anti-histamines”). Histamine

Histamine is an organic nitrogenous compound secreted during immunological responses. It also regulates physiological function in the gut and acting as a neurotransmitter for the brain, spinal cord, and female uterus. Histamine is involved in the inflammatory response and has a central role as a reaction of itching.

As a hormone histamine is also suspect to “resistance” – a reaction where the body no longer reacts like it should to the hormone and the levels of that hormone increase. Similar to Insulin resistance being the cause of diabetes – It’s possible Histamine Resistance is the reason for your current and prolonged seasonal allergies.

One quick way to know if you have entered histamine resistance is to simply ask “are you allergies to more than just nature?” If you have food sensitivities (IgG, IgE reactions to certain foods which result in noticeable symptoms), chemical sensitivities (headaches or reactions to colognes, perfumes, smells then there is a high probability you are now histamine resistant. This is important because with resistance comes higher levels of Histamine which triggers inflammation and overactivity to the immune/allergy response which is the underlying cause of seasonal allergies.

How to Fix Histamine Naturally.

Alternative Allergy Techniques That Actually Work!

Your allergic response to anything (pollen, dogs/cats, virus/bacteria etc.) is a natural and normal reaction. When a foreign object comes in contact with the membranes of your nose, mouth, throat, lungs, stomach or intestines (thus why you can be allergic to foods) your body triggers the release of histamine – which the permeability of the capillaries allowing white blood cells and some proteins to exit the blood and engage pathogens in the infected tissues – i.e. go after the foreign object.

Antihistamines block this reaction, and while it’s nice that you don’t have a runny nose or itchy eyes, it’s not a good idea to prevent while blood cells from exiting your blood to go after foreign objects! So, if you think about it, synthetic antihistamines actually weaken your immune system, prevent your white blood cells from going after bacteria and viruses! (now are you still willing to take your Allegra, Claritin, Nasonex etc.???

1.C2 (Axis) Alignment – Chiropractic

A 2004 study showed that chiropractic is a powerful way to lessen and prevent allergic reactions. In this study 1,028 people suffered from allergies (both seasonal and severe allergies). X-rays revealed 98% of these had severe misalignment of vertebra in their neck and upper back. Over 88% of participants saw significant reduction while 71% saw significant resolution of their allergies following chiropractic care. Your sinuses are controlled by the C1/C2 nerve roots, Lungs via T1/T2/T3/T4 nerve roots – which are the regions you should ensure are aligned properly if you wish to be allergy free!

2. Stinging Nettle:

Urtica dioica, often known as stinging nettle, or nettle leaf, is a herbaceous perennial flowering plant in the family Urticaceae that is a potent natural anti-histamine. One study showed 58% of participants found symptoms resolved when taking a freeze-dried stunning nettle supplement. Stinging nettle can be found online and at health food stores locally. Note: The study participants mentioned used 300 milligrams (mg) each day.

3. Quercetin

Quercetin is an antioxidant found naturally in onions and apples. Research has proven it to be another powerful natural antihistamine. One study found that it even lessened the respiratory side effects of allergies in rats by reducing inflammatory response in the airways. You can purchase quercetin as a supplement or simply add more quercetin-rich foods to your diet. Note: recommendation is 500mg daily for adults, 250mg daily for children. Quercetin can be taken as a standalone or in conjunction with the other items mentioned here, which is why most quercetin sold OTC usually comes with bromeliad or stinging nettle combined.
4. Bromelain

Bromelain is an enzyme most found in the core of pineapples. It’s said to be a powerful substance for naturally treating various conditions (acid reflux, digestive distress, asthma, headaches) and is also a known anti-histamine. One study suggests taking between 400 to 500 mg three times daily to combat seasonal allergies. You can also simply eat pineapple and the central stem (which most people throw away!)

5. Vitamin C

Yes, good old Vitamin C is an easy-to-find natural antihistamine. It’s prevalent naturally in citrus fruits and various vegetables, and also in supplement form (note: ascorbic acid is only one tiny portion of the entire vitamin c molecule – so it’s best to consume a “raw C complex” when buying a supplement). Because it’s free of side effects it’s a safe solution for clearing stuffy noses and other unpleasant symptoms of seasonal allergies. Recommended dose for an adult is 3,000 mg (3g) daily, children 1,500 mg (1.5g) daily or simply 4-5 low glycemic citrus fruits daily (grapefruit, lemons and limes).

6. Essential Oils

Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint essential oils are exceptional and clearing your seasonal allergies. Place 5 drops of each in a size “00” veggie cap and fill the remainder with MCT or Coconut oil, consuming 1 capsule every 4-6 hours. These can also be diffused for direct inhalation. Note: when consuming essential oils, they must be food grade, therapeutic, investable oils (DoTerra or Youngliving)

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