One Vitamin, 10 Conditions

By Dr Ernst
January 7, 2019

Magnesium, by volume, is one of the most plentiful minerals in your body. It is involved in over 300 unique metabolic processes yet its one of the prevalent vitamins to be deficient.

Norman Shealy, PhD., the man who developed the Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) devices, states that almost every major medical disease is associated with a magnesium deficiency – which makes since given that every cell in your body requires Magnesium to optimally preform.

Ensuring you have enough Magnesium is simple – you can focus on consuming foods that are high in magnesium (Almonds, Spinach, Dark Chocolate, Avocado, Banana, Black Beans, Swiss Chard, Pumpkin Seeds, Cashew), you can supplement or you can do both.

Speaking of supplementation, Magnesium comes in many forms, so here’s a quick guide to assist you in choosing the best type for you:

Mg Malate – Best for energy and muscle soreness
Mg Threonate – Best for memory and brain function
Mg Oxide– Best for constipation and digestive assistance
Mg Sulfate – aka Epsom Salts – best for relaxation and detoxification Mg Glycinate – Best for sleep
Mg Citrate – Best for calmness and overall body functions

Here are 7 major body signs that can indicate whether you may be deficient in magnesium (each of which can resolve naturally once you increase your bodies magnesium concentration)

Numbness & Tingling

Magnesium is responsible in the transmission of nerve signals, which are mostly electro-chemical in nature. There are various research articles suggesting magnesium can calm/prevent numbness and tingling.

Headaches or Chronic Migraines

Most headache sufferers, when tested, are low in magnesium. Magnesium is responsible for regulating neurotransmitters and electrochemical signals in the brain. The majority of research also notes that magnesium prevents excessive calcium from entering brain cells. Elevated levels of calcium is known to over stimulate nerve cells – a leading cause of migraines.

Constipation / Digestive Disorders

Magnesium is vital in keeping stools soft by inviting water to stay within the intestinal cavity. Constipation is mostly due to stools becoming dehydrated (hardened) when they move through a dry colon. Magnesium is also known to regulate smooth muscle contractions, and the GI tract is nearly 100% smooth muscle. This is why most people who start to supplement with magnesium see an almost instant change in their constipation and cramping.

Heart Arrhythmia/Palpitations

Basic muscle contraction physiology includes calcium landing on a receptor, which causes the muscle to contract. Magnesium dislodges the calcium from the receptor which allows the muscle to relax. Hopefully now you can see why any irregular contractions of the heart could be due to magnesium deficiency. If you notice your heart beats irregularly, studies show magnesium can help to slow rapid heartbeats and balance hearts that beat off normal rhythm.


Your body requires ATP (cellular energy) to not only function but to also make you feel energized. The mitochondria are the “cell within your cells” that produce ATP – and magnesium is an essential nutrient in this process. Even the slightest drop in magnesium (which would still be seen as “normal” on your bloodwork”) can affect energy production and again, over 300 biological processes. Magnesium is also responsible for normal adrenal function, which when deficient can lead to a drain in your bodies adaptation to stress which drains your energy! Most people report an increase in overall awareness of energy when supplementing magnesium.


As mentioned before, magnesium is required for normal nerve function. When magnesium levels are deficient the nerve system can become overstimulated, which not only increases muscle tension but can physically decrease pain tolerance. Chronic pain conditions (fibromyalgia) are usually characterized with intense muscle contractions, anxiety, anger and stress. Over time these have been shown to develop into painful expressions. Magnesium also is known to relax muscles which is why most people who take a magnesium (Epsom) bath often feel better physically afterwards.

Muscle Cramps

This is by far one of the most obvious tell-tale signs of magnesium deficiency. This is mostly due to the fact that magnesium is intimately connected to nerve transmission and the muscle contraction cycle. As magnesium levels drop, calcium levels often increase. Calcium not only stimulates nerve fibers (causing muscles to contract without signal from the nerve system) but it also physically causes a contraction within muscle fibers. Another culprit: most Americans focus more on calcium supplementation than magnesium supplementation and are often over loaded with calcium – only exacerbating the condition.


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