Prostate Health

By Dr Ernst
December 19, 2022

It’s something most men don’t even think about until their urination becomes frequent or difficult or an MD shares the news of “enlarged prostate” or “prostate cancer” on a annual exam.

The prostate is about the size of a golf ball and play a major role in male hormone balance, among other things.

For men prostate enlargement (BPH) is thought of as an “unfortunate consequence of getting older.”

Statistically about 50% of men between the ages of 51 and 60 have BPH, and that number jumps to 70% among men aged 60 to 69 and around 80% of men over 70 years of age. Do the math and as a man is 80-90 years old it can be 90-100%!

The good news – new research is saying that your DIET and DRINKS affect prostate enlargement, ie you can do things now to reduce/shrink a prostate and also prevent the enlargement over time. (This too can apply to preventing and/or reversing prostate cancer)

Top Offenders For Prostate Enlargement (in no particular order)


Studies have correlated an increased risk of prostate enlargement and even cancer dairy consumption. One study published in Cancer Causes & Control revealed that consuming dairy products elevated insulin-like growth factor (IGF) in individuals and that is connected with development of prostate cancer.

Instead of cow’s milk dairy try coconut, cashew, or almond-milk based substitutes for cheese, ice cream, milk, and other dairy products. 


Does it come as a surprise – alcohol is toxic and damaging to human cells. Despite what you may have heard alcohol consumption doesn’t have many benefits for any area of your health – and the prostate is especially sensitive to alcohol.

Alcohol is a known diuretic and it increases urine in the bladder which causes the bladder to constrict making urination more difficult. This hinders the prostate from relaxing which can further aggravate prostate problems whether you have BPH or prostate cancer. 


Decaf isn’t just for those sensitive to caffeine – it helps the prostate overall. Similarly, to alcohol, caffeine acts as a diuretic putting excess pressure on your bladder and prostate which can be aggravating on the bladder and prostate which irritate BPH and those with prostate cancer.

First switch to Swiss water non-chemical decaf coffee (purity “calm” is a great one), decaffeinated tea, and switch all sodas to herbal teas or water.

Refined Carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates are different from naturally occurring carbs. For example, avocados have natural carbs, which are healthy for the prostate.

Refined cabs on the other hand include foods like white flour, cookies, cakes, bagels, donuts and other baked desserts, cereals, and breaded products. These are all considered ultra high-glycemic as they significantly spike blood sugar more than sugar itself!.

When your blood sugar is elevated it can stimulate the production of sex steroid hormones that have been shown to contribute to enlargement and prostate cell change (cancer).

Fried Foods

Most fried foods are cooked in rancid seed oils (canola) or moldy bean oils (peanut) which only adds to the fire of inflammation. By definition inflammation is swelling – so when referencing BPH I think you can see why fried foods are out.

Also, most fried foods are breaded in refined carbohydrate wheat paste (batter), which only makes it a double whammy. Friend foods are linked to a 35% increase in prostate enlargement and cancer – the science is clear if you eat fried foods, your prostate will get fried!

Now for the Flip Side = Foods That Encourage A Healthy Prostate

Wild Caught Seafood

Consider eating more wild-caught seafood like salmon, sardines and anchovies that contain beneficial forms of saturated fats like omega-3s. These are considered anti-inflammatory and are beneficial for everything from brain health to hormone production.

Brussels, broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower are full of sulforaphane which has been linked to a decrease in cancer risk. Several studies show sulforaphane from broccoli sprouts was able to delay prostate cancer formation and decrease its severity!

Pomegranate Juice
Pomegranate juice has a reputation as a super fruit due to its high levels of antioxidants. Antioxidants may help prevent chronic diseases related to oxidative stress. The National Cancer Institute says that pomegranate juice and some of its bioactive components may help inhibit the proliferation of prostate cancer cells and help decrease BPH over time.

A Word About Prostate Tests

Similar to total cholesterol, PSA #s alone do not tell the whole story. PSA normals are based on a your age and most MDs expect a 60 year old to have PSA of a 40 year old. % FREE PSA is more specific test towards prostate enlargement / cancer risks.

Please do not just let your MD say your PSA is high and put you on meds without testing your %’s and Ratios and using for age adjustment.

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