The Raw Power Behind Your Central Nerve System – Part 4

By Dr Ernst
September 12, 2018

A continuation of the power behind your central nerve system. In this, and the newsletters that follow, we will take an exploration through each vertebra and the nerves that exit. Previously we discussed Thoracic 6 through Lumbar 1. Again, perhaps this news- letter is most powerful when given to a loved one who has a known health issue – as you will see there is always a cause to each effect.

Lumbar 2: The second spinal vertebra without a rib attachment as we go down the spine is simply called the second lumber. L2 is involved with providing the primary nerve supply from the control centers in the brain to the SMALL INTESTINE. It is commonly found to be an area that is subluxated and associated with disturbed function of the small intestines (as was T10) and is most commonly found to be a contributing factor in duodenal ulcers.

L2 subluxation can be caused by physical, chemical, emotional and/or environmental stress or a combination of these stressors beyond the body’s ability to constructively adapt. It is interesting that, because the function of the small intestine is the assimilation of nutrients, the function of the small intestine requires the proper function of the stomach, pancreas, gall bladder and ileocecal valve. Common symptoms include digestive complaints (usually 1-2 hours after eating), problems with proper weight management and digestive reactions to certain foods.

Perhaps of greater importance than these local affects of subluxation of L2, are the global affects of subluxation of this area because the nerve root from L2 involves other groups of nerves called ganglions (specifically, the celiac, and superior mesenteric ganglionic plexi) which, in turn, affect the organs in both the upper and lower abdominal areas.

Lumbar 3: The spinal vertebra that is right about belt or waist level and is involved with providing the primary nerve supply from the control centers in the brain to the SPINE ITSELF (vertebral bones and discs)and neurological pathways to the ENDOCRONE SYSTEM (including the thyroid, pancreas and adrenal glands). It is commonly found to be an area that is subluxated and associated with disturbed function of many organs and systems within the body. It is most commonly found to be a contributing factor in a variety of endocrine organ disorders.

L3 subluxation can be caused by physical, chemical, emotional and/or environmental stress or a combination of these stressors beyond the body’s ability to constructively adapt. The endocrine system is directly related to the proper production and distribution of hormones in the body. The physiologic effects of hormones depend largely on their concentration in blood and extracellular fluid. Almost inevitably, disease results when hormone concentrations are either too high or too low. Precise control over circulating concentrations of hormones is crucial. Global affects of subluxation of this area affect hormones as it is associated with a variety of other body functions. In fact, it is important to consider a nerve system disturbance whenever there is any hormonal malfunction (low testosterone, elevated cortisol, menopause etc)

Lumbar 4: The fourth spinal vertebra is just below waist level which is involved with providing the primary nerve supply from the control centers in the brain to the COLON and LARGE INTES- TINE. It is commonly found to be an area that is subluxated and associated with the diverse series of health complaints resulting from the person being bowel toxic but is most commonly associated with ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis/osis, irritable bowel and other chronic bowel conditions.

Chronic L4 subluxation may result in a body that is not eliminating toxins properly as is evidenced by diarrhea and/or constipation. This toxicity can result in a wide range of symptoms including sluggish bowel, coated tongue (candida) and headache (toxemia). Global affects of subluxation of this area are immense, as the bowels are involved in up to 80% of the immune strength in an individual. The bowels also regulate the passage of digestive waste material from the body, and, as such, play a significant role in a wide variety of health conditions due to the gut-brain connection. Clearly, an inability to properly remove toxins from the body can also have wide ranging health effects.

Lumbar 5: The spinal vertebra that is right above the tail bone is involved with providing the primary nerve supply from the control centers in the brain to the UTERUS in women and the PROSTATE in men. It is commonly found to be an area that is subluxated and associated with chronic low back pain that demonstrates little symptomatic improvement and, in women-abnormal menses, in men-prostatitis or inflammation of the prostate gland.

Functional and neurological disturbance at this spinal level is often associated (in women) with a history of menstrual problems along with restless leg syndrome, urinary difficulties, mood swings and feelings of incomplete bowel evacuation. The global effect of L5 interference is be profound as the entire sexual and reproductive system rely on this nerve for healthy function.


A Neurological Approach To Health

After reviewing each spinal segment and their subsequent nerves, can you see there is a distinct neurological view of health – that health is much more than just how you feel, it’s how you function and express yourself energetically. Health is a state in which your body can express: 100% of your human potential, 100% of your human spirit, and where your cells, tissues, organs, and systems are functioning 100%, 100% of the time.

There is an inborn intelligence in all living things that naturally gives us our instincts and information to survive, thrive, and adapt in this ever-changing world. It’s the expression of this inborn intelligence (power) through our nerve system that allows our body to perform at 100%. This is the holistic/vitalistic meaning of life.

Your life is an expression of this intelligence through your body. The quality of your life is indeed directly proportion- al to the ability of your nervous system to express this intelligence through your body without interference to this process.

How well is your nervous system performing? Regular adjustments remove the interference and disturbances in the nervous system, allowing you to express yourself to your fullest potential.

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