What You Need To Know About Obesogens And Your Weight

By Dr Ernst
June 22, 2020

Obesogens are artificial chemicals that are found in common everyday products (food and their containers, cookware and plastics, etc).

To date, there are over 20 known chemicals that have been identified as obesogens. The term “obesogen” was first used in 2006, when it was discovered that exposure to the chemical during early development disrupted normal metabolic pathways that increased a person’s susceptibility to weight gain across his or her life span. The higher concentration of obesogens present, the more weight gained and an equally harder time losing weight with diet and exercise.

These obesogens aren’t 100% the cause of weight gain/obesity, but they do often play a significant role in one’s susceptibility and sensitivity to gaining weight.

Several studies indicate that obesogens promote obesity by directly altering the functionality of fat cell development, increasing energy storage in fat tissue, increasing fat cell production, and interfering with hormone control of appetite and fullness (satiety). Translation: they change how your brain processes your desire to eat, what food you eat, when you are hungry, and when you feel full.

Top 3 Common Obesogens You Are Exposed to Daily

Glyphosate (Roundup)

The use of glyphosate on commercial crops has increased by 300+ fold since its creation in 1974. Nearly all GMO foods including corn, wheat, barley, oats, and beans are sprayed, not only multiple times during the growing phase but also just before harvest. Glyphosate is known to decrease your mitochondrial production of ATP (energy) and also severely disrupt your gut microbiome. Reduced ATP and dysbiosis are two known causes of obesity. Add to that the inflammation created by the commonly sprayed foods and you can see how this obesogen can pack on the pounds.

Solution: Organic, non-GMO foods are a must these days. Chances are you also need to do a “glyphosate” detox. This can be done with a complication of zeolites, glutathione, fluvic, and Terrahydrites (humic acids) and activated charcoal. (Cytodetox, G-Cell, Bind, and ION)


Phthalates are found in plastics, added as a method to increase flexibility and shelf life. They are used in everything from food contains, toys, cosmetics, sunscreens, and even soaps/detergents. The connection to obesity is widely documented in various research articles. The most common exposure comes from plastic water bottles and plastic food containers – especially when/if you microwave your food in plastic. Unfortunately, phthalates have also been connected to infertility, chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer.

Solution: Limit your use of plastic as much as possible (which might seem impossible considering all food comes in either wrapped in plastic or within plastic containers). Switch to glass water bottles and glass food containers. Stop using the microwave to heat food, even in glass, as it destroys the energy and nutrition – even heating water in the microwave has been found to “kill” the water.

Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) 

PFOA has been used for some time in stain-resistant carpets and fabrics, nonstick cookware, and other products that resist heat, oil, stains, grease, and water. Today it’s a known drinking water contaminant that is extremely resistant to chemical degradation (i.e. it can’t be removed by your city’s water treatment!) Some studies note that this is one contaminant that is also often found in well water. PFOA has been classified as “likely to be carcinogenic in humans” by the U.S. EPA. It’s also an obesogen: A 2018 meta-analysis showed that exposure early life is associated with an increased risk for obesity and a higher body mass index. PFOA is also found in many restaurant to-go containers, especially those with the “shiny” water/grease protectant layer when looking inside the paper container.

Solution: Avoid to-go restaurant food, toss all non-stick cookware, and consider replacing furniture/carpet that is “stain-resistant.” Have your house water tested and if present, use a Greenfield Water whole house filter (greenfieldwater.com) or a countertop Berkley filter (berkleyfilters.com)

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