Whey Protein And Blood Pressure

By Dr Ernst
February 10, 2020

A study published in the International Dairy Journal suggests whey protein beverages are effective at reducing blood pressure in people at risk for hypertension. According to the researchers:

“We found that whey protein beverages lowered BP only in individuals with previously high BP, but not in those with normal BP. These findings suggest that whey protein beverages have a normalizing effect on elevated BP and do not cause low BP in normal individuals. This is important since low BP can be a health concern in certain populations, women and the elderly.”

Clearly it is best to eat whole unprocessed foods. However, for many of us that just simply isn’t possible at all times. In many circumstances using a high-quality raw, grass-fed whey protein powder will be far superior to the other options that might be available to you. After careful review, it is very clear that whey is one of the highest quality protein powders due to the source – GRASS FED COWS.

Whey Protein is Beneficial for Your Heart and Blood Pressure

The study revealed that whey protein has a normalizing effect on blood pressure levels, reducing levels significantly in those at risk of hypertension. This may be due to whey’s impact on nitric oxide production, as nitric oxide helps your vessels maintain their elasticity and its suppression leads to increases in blood pressure.

Important note, when choosing a whey protein powder make sure the ingredients do not list “protein isolates” which are more processed and toxic than the “protein concentrate.” Also scan the ingredients for other toxic ingredients such as Dextrins/maltodextrins, soy ingredients, vegetable oils, carrageenan, and potential pesticides (non-organic products).

What Else Can Whey do for You?

There are numerous reasons to choose whey over other protein powders, even beyond its influence on your blood pressure. For instance, whey protein may:

  • Help your pancreas-produced insulin work more effectively, which helps maintain your blood sugar level after a meal
  • Help to promote your optimal intake of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals needed for your overall wellness
  • Support your immune system as it contains immunoglobulins
  • Help you preserve lean body tissue (particularly during exercise) as it delivers bioavailable amino acids and cysteine


Whey proteins are complex in and of themselves and can provide you with even more distinct benefits, as they have naturally occurring:

  • Alpha-Lactalbumin — supports your immune system and may improve morning alertness
  • Glycomacropeptide — provides support against occasional digestive discomfort and stress
  • Immunoglobulins — promotes your immune system and helps support your body’s natural detoxification processes
  • Growth Factors in Whey — aids your system in cell rejuvenation, muscle recovery after exercise, and energy function
  • Whey protein can also help optimize your production of glutathione, which is considered by many to be your body’s most powerful antioxidant.

Whey protein’s unique ability to increase glutathione is noteworthy as glutathione is your body’s primary detoxification and it also activates all other antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, CoQ10, alpha-lipoic acid (which you get either via diet or supplementation.) It also removes toxins from your cells and protects you from the damaging effects of radiation, chemicals, and environmental pollutants.

Have you tried MaxLiving 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein? This is the specific whey I recommend as it’s whey concentrate, sweetened with stevia, and blended with digestive enzymes and probiotics!

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