Why You Should Never Follow An “Association” Diet

By Dr Ernst
April 4, 2022

You can thank the conversations I have been having with patients lately for this newsletter. Did you know that every major medical association (American Heart, American Diabetes, American Cancer…) has a recommended diet for those who want to fix their heart, diabetes, cancer etc..

There’s just one problem with ALL of these association diets – they won’t FIX your condition, if anything they will only possibly MANAGE but certainly WORSEN your health condition!

How can this be – aren’t these “associations” looking out for your best interest when they develop the diets that are condition specific?

Not one iota!! Zilch! Nada! Niente! Nichego! Nichts! (Ok that’s the only one’s languages I know)

Why Won’t These Health Associations Offer You Solid Nutritional Advice?

Perhaps its because Coca-Cola, Pepsi and other beverage companies are the main financial contributors to nearly all medical associations (AHA, ACA, ADA etc)!! [did you know that?!]

Perhaps it’s because BioTech, BigPharma and other “private sponsors” have a vested interest in your health NOT improving – thereby influencing the diets/infographics you see from these associations. Big money is made in disease management/progression vs disease eradication/resolution.

I’ll let you draw your own conclusion here – but I hope you agree with me in the idea that no “medicalized” diet will ever do what you hope it will – HEAL YOU! Ok, now that we are on the same page… into the nitty-gritty of this topic!

What’s Wrong With “Association” Diets” And Why You Should NEVER Follow Them

Is it safe to say that you would assume the American Diabetes Association (ADA) would produce a diet that will help diabetics lower their sugars? Safe to assume yes?

American Diabetes Association (ADA) Diet Plan

First recommendation is to eat FRUIT – either fresh, frozen or canned. They recommend apples, blueberries, oranges, grapefruits, grapes, peaches, pears, plums and cherries.

The issue here is ALL FRUIT is sugar (especially canned fruits, which are often packed in a syrup of sugars and chemicals to prevent the fruit from “rotting” while in the can).

This is the LAST thing a diabetic should be eating!

Second recommendation is to eat MILK – they recommend yogurt that is fat free, or made with unflavored soy milk.

They stress you must consume skim or dairy with less than 1% fat!

This is again the WORST thing for a diabetic. It’s proven that dairy is inflammatory, contained lactose (sugar) and the casein protein in dairy is well documented to cause damage to the pancreas and insulin receptor.

This is the LAST thing a diabetic should be eating.

Third recommendation is to eat GRIANS – they stress whole grains – wheat, oats, popcorn, brown rice rye, barley, buckwheat, millet, quinoa and cereals!

The issue here is ALL GRAINS are inflammatory, spike blood sugar more than sugar itself and cause damage to the microbiome/intestinal lining which creates leaky gut which is a KNOWN CAUSE of diabetes!

This is certainly the last thing a diabetic should be eating!

By the way, in VERY SMALL PRINT, at the bottom of the diet recommendations it says “choose grains that have at least 3 grams of fiber and less than 6 grams of sugar per serving”.

The only challenge here is ALL GRAINS have more than 6 grams of sugar per serving, so they are indirectly showing you that it’s IMPOSSIBLE to follow these recommendations.

If you want to foster/worsen your diabetes – follow the ADA Diabetes diet! If you want to improve/reverse your diabetes follow the Cellular Healing Diet found free HERE

American Cancer Association (ACA) Diet Plan

Now onto the American Cancer Association (ACA) diet suggestions for cancer patients. You would assume this is going to be an outstandingly clean diet – right! After all, cancer patients need to boost their immune system, clear toxins and fuel their body significantly as the treatments they go through suck the life out of them!

First recommendation is to eat a diet high in GRAINS and FRUIT!! Can you see the issue here! It’s the same misbelief that the ADA has – grains and fruit are sugar. Period.

Cancer LOVES sugar – in fact most cancer cells have 40x insulin receptors on their cells because they REQUIRE sugar ignorer to replicate and multiply.

The LAST thing a cancer patient needs is sugar, grains and fruit!

Second recommendation is to limit consumption of FAST / PROCESSED FOOD – ok, this I am ok with however it should say AVOID not LIMIT.

Fast foods are loaded with rancid oils, chemicals, preservatives and pesticides/herbicides. They limit gastric motility and provide zero/negative nutrition. (What’s negative nutrition? – a food that sucks nutrients out of you instead of providing them to you).

Fast food/processed foods are LAST thing a cancer patient should eat.

Third recommendation is to limit consumption of RED/PROCESSED MEAT. YES – avoid like the plague all processed meats. Avoid conventional grain-fed red meats – it’s proven over and over in science these cause cancer! But…. Not all Red meats are evil.

Grass fed, grass finished red meats can help provide needed anti-inflammatory, healing fats and proteins! This is one I agree with – with an exclusion obviously for healthy grass fed/grass finished red meats. You don’t need to be a vegan to heal cancer!

Their next recommendation is to limit ALCOHOL. Yes – I like this one too. All alcohol (no matter if its beer, wine or sprit drinks) are SUGAR! My only challenge is it should be AVOID not limit.

I hope you can see the last thing a cancer patient wants to do is add extra stress to the liver – it’s already overloaded from detoxing the chemo/radiation poisons.

Their final recommendation will shock the life out of
Notice everything
else is “limit” but this one is a harsh DO NOT! Why?

They claim you should meet your nutritional needs
via your diet alone. They claim that supplements
interfere with their drugs/chemo/radiation and prevent
the medications from working such that you could die faster with the cancer if you take supplements!

This is the LAST advice a cancer patient should follow as all medical therapies suck nutrients from their body – which are needed for the immune system and healing!

If you are looking for a diet that heals – check out the “Cellular Healing Diet” available free RIGHT HERE

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