Thurs. 7/21/16 – Q&A with Dr. A – Episode 5

By Dr Ernst
July 20, 2016

P.S. Check back every Thursday at 7pm for a new episode of Q&A with Dr. A right on this webpage. Bookmark for best results.

Questions Answered During This Episode:

  1. What is the best thing to do when I get a headache?
  2. I am struggling with cellulite on my legs and arms and stomach. What is the best remedy?
  3. How do I interpret all the different labels for eggs?
  4. I have hormone problems, i.e., have mood swings, fatigue, and sometime cravings. The part that concerns me the most is the emotionalism. What do you have natural to help with that.
  5. Are there any fermented vegetables available on the market that are not cabbage based and how do I ferment my own vegetables that I can eat?
  6. How can I treat dizziness and symptoms associated with vertigo? It mostly happens when I’m asleep or laying down. I am very dizzy when first wake up.
  7. Which superfood revitalizes your joints?
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