You Are God’s Masterpiece With A Calling Card

By Dr Ernst
February 6, 2022

The bible is quite clear – there are unique characteristics of God. He is a beneficent being (all good, not one ounce of evil), omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing), omnipresent (all present, not bound by space or time), just, loving, merciful, kind, charitable, giving, forgiving, understanding and sympathetic.

Did you know that when God made everything (Genesis story) He did something unique when He created humanity? Everything in creation was made when God spoke to His creation – He spoke to the sky to have the sun, moon and stars appear. He spoke to the earth to have plants and animals formed. He spoke to the water to have the sea life created and He spoke to the air to have flying animals created. Then humans – He didn’t speak to His creation! Instead He spoke to himself! Humans are the ONLY creation that God spoke to Himself to create – and not just any creation – a mirror image creation – a reflection. This means not only do we look like God, but we have His characteristics in us! This means you are a creator, a blesser, a healer with more power than you give yourself credit for. You are, and can become more, just, loving merciful, kind, charitable, giving, forgiving, understanding and sympathetic – (wow, if this doesn’t give you chill bumps yet, what until you see what I wrote below.

You are made in GOD’s image, and as His creation I believe God signed humanity (yes you too) just as an artist signs his masterpiece to let everyone know who made it! Where is God’s signature on you? – I believe it’s stupid on your spine and nerve system. Hear me out before you disagree and think this is a spin on chiropractic (which by the way translates to “chiros” and “practos” – ie Christ like Practice.

Your spine carries biblical significance according to the ancient Hebrew focus and importance on numbers.

The Number 3
There are three parts to God (Father-Son-Spirit) just as there are three parts to your spine (cervical-thoracic-lumbar). Three also is symbolic of resurrection and replacement of old dogma/law (Christ was crucified and on the 3rd day he rose again to destroy the old law and usher in God’s salvation to all of humanity). Do you see God’s signature yet? No – keep reading!

The Number 5
The number 5 represents grace – the things God gives to you that you don’t deserve and can’t work for. Salvation, forgiveness, and your health are grace. It was often noted in the Bible that grace didn’t come just once, instead as “grace upon grace” – i.e. a double portion – which is exactly what God does when he blesses you – not just a blessing that fills your heart’s desire (blessing #1) but the overflow of abundance that God is by character (blessing #2). Think of #5 as a representation of the grace of your health. There are 5 bones in your lumbar and sacral spine. Notice – a double portion – only 2 portions of your spine have 5 segments!! It’s right there when you look for it! Now do you see God’s signature? If no – keep reading!

The Number 12
The number 12 means totality and authority biblically. Totality is the “whole of something” or what I call the “all-encompassing-ness” of God or all of this omni-“everything” qualities. Authority is the right to give orders/control and lead. Look at the number 12 as signifying the ability for God to control/oversee everything in your life – including your health! It only took There were 12 disciples (under goods totality and authority) to spread the message of salvation across the entire planet. There are 12 bones in your thoracic spine and 12 pairs of ribs which surround 4 extremely important organs – your heart, lungs, liver/gallbladder, and stomach. These 12 thoracic nerves also control your entire sympathetic nervous system – the one responsible for increasing organ function – ie authority to all of your vital organs. Now do you see God’s signature? No – keep reading!

Mirror Image Creation

Genesis 1:27 says “God created man (male & female) in his own image” as if we are a direct mirror image reflection of Him. Have you ever noticed that your body is also a mirror image of itself? Take an imaginary line and drop it vertically from the center of your head, through your nose, mouth, sternum, belly button and all the way down to the central portion between your feet and you will notice something – IT’S AN EXACT MIRROR IMAGE! But don’t just stop on the outside, there are multiple mirror images inside of your body too!

BRAIN: Your left and right brain are an exact mirror image physically (functionally unique per side, but visibly indistinguishable)

SPINAL CORD: The spinal cord carries an estimated 100 billion nerve fibers within it yet it’s only 1 cm in diameter. Slice it in half horizontally then again vertically and you will see it too is a mirror image of itself. The left and right sides are indistinguishable.

VERTEBRAL COLUMN: The vertebral column are the bones that surround and protect the spinal cord. Totaling 25 bones in all (including sacrum) they are exact mirror images of themselves. The left half of your atlas (C1) looks the exact same as the right half. The same goes for the remaining 24! The vertebral column itself is also a mirror image of itself. The lordosis (curve) in the cervical spine (neck) is the same lordosis of the lumbar spine (low back). The kyphosis (curve) in the thoracic spine (mid back) is the same as the kyphosis in the sacral spine! And that’s just the beginning of your spines mirror image.

On a lateral full spine x-ray or MRI, if you use the central vertebra of the spinal cord (T6) as a hinge to “fold” the upper half of your vertebral column over to match the lower half of your vertebral column, every spinal bone overlays each other (hello mirror image)! IE C1 overlays L5, C2 overlays L4 and so on until you meet in the middle which is T6. Now do you see God’s signature? NO – I have one more!

T6 (the middle of your spine) represents #6. It was on the 6th day of creation that God created humans! BOOM!

If you don’t see God’s signature and characteristics in you by now then we need to talk!

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