11 Reasons Why You’re Tired

By Dr Ernst
April 29, 2023

   If you’re always struggling to keep your energy up, things like your diet, hormonal balance, exercise routine, amount of mental stressors in your life and genetics are all relevant factors to consider. A good night’s sleep is important for having plenty of energy, but oversleeping can lead to fatigue as well.

   There are plenty of lifestyle tweaks that you can put into play in order to fight fatigue and reclaim your energy. If you are tired all the time, it is important to make high-quality sleep a priority. Now a look at the reasons why you could be tired.

   Thyroid Disease: This can cause a wide variety of symptoms, including fatigue, moodiness, muscle and joint pain, weight gain or loss, vision problems, poor work performance, changes in body temperature and changes in appetite. There are four main contributing causes, which are hormonal imbalances caused by stress and diet, poor intolerances to things like gluten and dairy, radiation and toxicity exposure and a nutrition deficiency in iodine or selenium. Some ways to recover include going gluten and mostly dairy free, avoid toxins and heavy metals, have iodine and selenium levels checked, detox your body of heavy metals, consume adaptogen herbs and superfoods, and adjust your diet to have a lower carbohydrate intake.

   Adrenal Fatigue or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: This is believed to affect most adults worldwide at one point or another and is caused by a hormonal imbalance. Symptoms include fatigue that doesn’t go away even after getting good sleep, difficulty falling and staying asleep through the night, muscle and joint pain, stiffness and tenderness, headaches, frequently getting sick, weight gain, digestive problems, mental fogginess and trouble concentrating and remembering things clearly. When you’re under a high amount of stress due to emotional, physical and mental circumstances, your adrenals can suffer and fatigue can set in. In order to regain your energy, change your diet by avoiding caffeine, excess sugar and carbohydrates, try herbs like ashwagandha, holy basil and maca root, and limit stress by exercising regularly.

   Sedentary Lifestyle: Sitting all day is very hard on your body and often causes soreness, pain in your neck, stiffness, back pain and chronic headaches. Your body is made to move. Regular exercise can help balance hormones, improve insulin resistance and help you get better sleep. Being more active helps many people regulate hormonal patterns that allows them to sleep better at night. Ways to get moving more include trying a standing desk, sitting on a large exercise ball, taking walk breaks, planning regular outdoor activities or exercise right before or after work, and taking five-minute stretch breaks for every hour or work.

   Depression: This is one of the most common mental disorders and energy zappers in the U.S. Depression can be caused by variables like high stress, unresolved emotional problems, neurotransmitter imbalances, hormonal imbalances, alcohol, nutrition deficiencies, lack of sunlight, toxicity from heavy metals, and food allergies. Two of the most difficult symptoms to deal with are lack of energy and low motivation. Changes in your diet can really help alleviate depression. Drastically reduce your intake of processed and refined foods, fast foods, sugar-heavy foods, large amounts of simple carbohydrates, and caffeine and alcohol. Replace those foods with proteins, vegetables, healthy fats and other whole foods. You can also try incorporating exercise, relaxation techniques and essential oils into your daily routine.

   Poor-Quality Sleep: Most adults need between seven to nine hours of sleep consistently, each and every night to feel their best. Some causes of poor sleep include poor diet, stress, staying up late, drinking alcohol, certain medications or supplements, mood or hormone imbalance, trauma or abuse, adrenal fatigue, pain and chronic pain, acid GERD/acid reflux

/digestive disorders, and normal family life. A small amount of sleep deprivation over time can really add up and harm your health and mood. It’s also worth finding out whether or not you suffer from sleep apnea. There are natural ways to get to sleep fast, including the practice of relaxation techniques, taking an Epsom salt bath, taking magnesium supplements, using essential oils, avoid sugary and carb-heavy meals before bed, limit caffeine to small amounts during the morning, and turn off all electronics two hours before bed.

   Anemia: This is a condition where a person has a lower than normal level of red blood cells. Symptoms include feeling like you’re always tired despite how much you sleep, weak bones and muscles, trouble exercising and being unable to concentrate. Anemia symptoms can be greatly reduced by improving your diet and including plenty of foods that are rich in iron, vitamin B12 and folate. These include, liver, blackstrap molasses, brewer’s yeast or nutritional yeast, foods high in vitamin C, and green leafy vegetables.

   Leaky Gut Syndrome:  This is a condition in which your digestive tract becomes damaged and small holes begin to develop in your gut lining. Symptoms include, feeling tired, digestive issues (cramps, bloating, diarrhea), skin irritations and rashes, trouble concentrating and learning, muscle and joint pain, headaches, weight gain, and changes in mood. Leaky gut is problematic to your energy levels because it can result in a nutrient malabsorption that cuts short your body’s working supply of essential vitamins and minerals. By adjusting your diet and certain lifestyle factors can help, like removing gluten and sugar.

   Dehydration: This happens when there is an excessive loss of body fluids, especially of water and electrolytes or not enough water taken in. The most common cause of dehydration is simply not drinking enough water or substituting water intake with only soda or juice. The major electrolytes in the body and water are needed for some parts of the body like the brain, heart, nervous system and muscles. When you are dehydrated you begin to feel fatigued, lethargic, moody, brain fog, weakness in muscles and unable to concentrate and perform tasks. Drink water throughout the day, increase your intake of vegetables and fruits and make sure you are getting plenty of electrolytes in the form of whole foods. You should drink roughly half your weight in ounces of water per day.

   Emotional Stress: This can take a huge toll on your energy levels. Anxiety disorders are caused by a complex set of risk factors, including genetics, brain chemistry, diet and lifestyle habits, depression, and poor gut health. To combat this, get plenty of sleep and exercise, avoid stimulants, try using essential oils, adaptogen herbs and supplements, probiotics, and consider a healing diet.

   Blood Sugar Imbalance: Most people have blood sugar imbalances that can be easily fixed. Chances are if you’re always tired, your blood sugar has something to do with it. Symptoms of imbalance include, feeling fatigued, food cravings, headaches, moodiness and anxiety. Blood sugar levels become unbalanced when your diet is too high in various forms of sugar. To get blood sugar levels back under control, you’ll need to really reduce or even to completely eliminate all sources of refined sugar from your diet.

   Poor Diet: Almost all the causes of you feeling like you’re always tired can be partially alleviated through changing your diet. Your diet ultimately impacts your hormones, neurotransmitter function, sleep cycles, mood, outlook on life, and motivation. The best way to correct a poor diet is to incorporate more energy-promoting foods, which include foods high in B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, selenium and zinc. Healthy sources of fats, including omega-3 fatty acids are also important. You should also try to limit or avoid high-sugar foods, processed and refined flour, excessive caffeine and too much alcohol.

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