“An ounce of blood is worth more than a pound of friendship” – Spanish Proverb
You can change your lifestyle, and many of us do from time to time. But, you cant change your blood type – which was pre-determined by your parents type and a bit of genetic luck. Your blood type is determined by microscopic substances that live on the surface of you red blood cells. These tiny proteins interact with your immune system in ways that change your risks and susceptibility for various lifestyle conditions. Many researchers even believe that your blood type can tell you what type of diet you should be eating, the types of workouts you should be doing and even the types of health issues you tend to end up with when you do not take health into your own hands.
So depending on whether you’re type A, B, AB, or O, you may be more or less likely to suffer from heart trouble, cancer, and several other maladies. Here’s what your blood type could mean for you:
Blood Type O (negative and positive)
Strengths: Hardy digestive tract, strong immune system, natural defenses against infections. System preserves and metabolizes nutrients efficiency.
Weaknesses: Intolerant to new dietary and environmental conditions. Tendency towards an overactive tive immune system, ie autoimmune disorders (thyroid, rheumatoid, lupus, MS etc
Health Risks: Blood clotting disorders, inflammatory disorders, low thyroid production, ulcers and allergies
Diet Profile: High protein, meat, fish, vegetables, fruits. Limit grains, beans and legumes
Healing Profile:
Avoid: wheat, corn, navy beans, lentils, kidney beans, and all dairy.
Add: kelp, seafood, red meats, kale, spinach, broccoli, olives and olive oil
Supplements Needed: B Vitamins, Calcium, Licorice, Fucus, Bladderwrack
Exercise: Intense physical exercise – MaxT3, Crossfit, aerobics, running, martial arts
Personality: Strong, leader, self-reliant
Blood Type A (negative and positive)
Strengths: Adapts well to dietary and environmental variety, system preserves and metabolizes nutrients efficiently.
Weaknesses: Unable to digest and metabolize meat proteins easily, vulnerable immune system, open to bacterial and viral invasion.
Health Risks: Heart disease, type I, II & III diabetes, cancer, liver and gallbladder disorders
Diet Profile: Mostly vegetarian: vegetables, tofu, ancient grains, beans, legumes, fruit and turkey.
Healing Profile:
Avoid: Red meats, dairy, kidney beans, lima beans, wheat and corn.
Add: Olive oils, seafood, vegetables, pineapple.
Supplements Needed: Digestive enzymes, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Hawthorne, Echinacea, Quercetin, Milk Thistle
Exercise: Low intense, calming, centering exercises (yoga, tai chi, pilates)
Personality: Analytical, settled, visionary
Blood Type B (negative and positive)
Strengths: Strong immune system, versatile adaptation to dietary and environmental changes, balanced nerve system.
Weaknesses: Tendency towards autoimmune diseases and rare, slow-growing viruses (EBV, CMV etc)
Health Risks: Type I diabetes, chronic fatigue, autoimmune disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, lupus, multiple sclerosis.
Diet Profile: Balanced omnivore: meats, dairy, grains, fruits, vegetables, fish, seafoods, beans, legumes
Healing Profile:
Avoid: Chicken, corn, lentils, peanuts, sesame seeds, wheat
Add: Greens, eggs, venison, liver, licorice
Supplements Needed: Magnesium, licorice, ginkgo biloba, lecithin
Exercise: Moderate physical exercise with mental components: hiking, rock climbing, tennis, cycling and swimming.
Personality: Balanced, flexible, creative
Blood Type AB (negative and positive)
Strengths: Designed for modern conditions, highly tolerant immune system, versatile
Weaknesses: Sensitive digestive tract, open to microbial invasion (bacterial, fungal and yeast)
Health Risks: Heart disease & cancer
Diet Profile: Mixed: Lamb, fish, dairy, tofu, beans, legumes, ancient grains, vegetables, fruits
Healing Profile:
Avoid: Chicken, corn, kidney beans, buckwheat
Add: Tofu, seafood, kelp, greens
Supplements Needed: Vitamin C, hawthorne, echinacea, valerian, quercetin, milk thistle
Exercise: Calming, centering exercises (yoga, tai chi, pilates) combined with moderate exercise like cycling & tennis
Personality: Rare, versatile, compassionate
Knowing your blood type isn’t just good for when you donate blood to help others, its also helps you to have the nutritional upper hand in weight loss and health restoration. Additionally, cleansing your blood using the above protocols has been shown to open up a brighter and more vibrant you!