A Holistic Approach to Addiction

By Dr Ernst
April 27, 2018

Addiction is a heavily studied, yet largely misunderstood phenomenon.

There are certainly chemical and physical components to addiction, i.e., how a longtime smoker becomes constipated if he doesn’t smoke. The body becomes accustomed to chemical assistance, whether it’s for bowel movements or a sense of well being.

But at its core, addiction is filling a hole in one’s life. Whether it’s dissatisfaction with your relationships, your professional life, or your spiritual outlook, a dependence on alcohol, cigarettes, sex, drugs, social media, pornography, etc., is more about avoiding something within yourself that isn’t working than it is a real chemical dependence.

That’s why this will never work:

This is the cover of Discover Magazine I happened to catch at the airport.

It may help to formulate an opiate that isn’t as chemically addictive. Perhaps fewer who take it will become “addicted.” But my guess is it won’t make that much of a difference. If it still makes people “feel good,” they’ll continue taking it. And as long as there is pain in the world–emotional, spiritual and physical–there will always be dependence on outside sources to dull the pain.

That’s why often with what you replace the addiction is as important as stopping the behavior. This Harvard Health editor calls it “Natural Recovery,” stating that the two most important facets of recovery are:

  • Finding a “new hobby, challenge, or relationship to help fill the void left by the addiction.”
  • Exercise

But for many, that’s still not enough. So here are 10 more natural approaches to beating whatever monkey you’ve got on your back.

10 Natural Ways to Beat Addiction

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar – This popular superfood has been known to help people beat the symptoms of addiction withdrawal–that includes opiates, cigarettes and various other drugs. Check out the Opiate Freedom Center’s Apple Cider Vinegar “SuperDrink” recipe.
  2. Skullcap – This herb is a mild sedative great for calming down the anxiety and intensity of withdrawal symptoms. It is even recommended for people trying to kick heroin addiction.
  3. Milk Thistle – This herb helps improve liver health and efficiency and heal the liver. While this doesn’t directly help with withdrawal or addiction, it does help the body more quickly remove toxins–including the substance you may be trying to kick. Once the substance is completely out of your body, dealing with your addiction becomes much easier.
  4. Ginko biloba – This powerful herb is incredibly helpful for brain health, memory and, most importantly, willpower. It gives your brain the energy to keep fighting the addiction.
  5. Gardening – The more science-y name is Horticulture Therapy. But planting and tending to a garden has been proven to greatly help addicts in recovery.
  6. Caffeine – For “upper” drugs, like cocaine, ecstasy and even alcohol, caffeine can mimic the effects with its energy rush effects. But it is a drug in its own right, so use with caution.
  7. Meditation –  Mindfulness, a better sense of self, a calming of anxieties, re-affirming purpose and peacefulness. All of these are helpful in kicking an addiction, and all features of consistent meditation. Here are 7 ways meditation can help you beat an addiction.
  8. Yoga – Similar to meditation, yoga has been shown to be incredibly helpful for recovering addicts. It is calming, helps with sleep, tones down anxiety, increases confidence and more. Even the American Addiction Centers recommend it.
  9. Get a pet – Sometimes, when you have to take care of something else, you take better care of yourself in the process. Furthermore, pets are known to reduce anxiety, raise a sense of well being and even reduce the feeling of physical pain.
  10. Eat health fats and protein – Addiction often damages the body at the cellular level, eating away at neurons, brain cells, hindering the production of neurotransmitters and hormones and so much more. Your body needs the raw materials to re-create these important components. And they are almost all composed of some combination of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Eat a healthy mix of grass fed beef, wild caught fish, free range poultry, dark leafy greens and plant-based fats and proteins.

Beating an addiction requires a multi-faceted approach. Few are successful with the cold turkey route, and replacing one drug with another just raises another addiction. Make sure your addiction replacement fulfills the needs you have–which may take some serious self-reflection–and use any combination of NATURAL remedies and aids that you can.

You are important and unique and special, and whatever you are struggling with, YOU CAN DO THIS!

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