Fasting: Your Hidden Superpower to Improved Health! by Dr. Benjamin Drach, DC

By Dr Ernst
April 4, 2023

Overall Health Benefits of Fasting

When anyone mentions fasting, our usual response is a huge groan. Humans have always had trouble taking something they enjoy away from themselves. But what if the very thing you were dreading to do was the very thing that could transform your life for the absolute best? Fasting can promote health not only in your spirit and soul, but in your body as well!

Throughout history, there are countless stories of people who chose to limit their food consumption and reaped incredible benefits. People in Babylon at the time of Israel’s exile to those in your community have chosen to fast on many occasions and had their lives changed forever because of it.

God tells us in His Word to fast and many examples to follow on how to do so. But what does it benefit you? How can you transform your health into something that flourishes by fasting? We will be discussing the many health benefits of fasting and how you can apply fasting in your own life!

  1. Fasting helps control your blood sugar
    Many studies have found that long term fasting can improve the control of blood sugar. This could be incredibly useful for those who are at risk of developing diabetes. More specifically, one study done in 2014 found that alternate-day fasting was effective at limiting calorie intake, resulting in the reduction of resistance to insulin.

Insulin resistance reduction can increase your body’s overall sensitivity to insulin. This allows insulin to transport glucose from the bloodstream to the rest of your body more efficiently. Along with the ability to lower blood sugar levels, fasting can help keep your blood sugar steady. This prevents spikes and crashes in your sugar levels. In one study, males presented no problems with blood sugar control with a 3-week period of alternate-day fasting.

  1. Fasting Fights Inflammation
    Inflammation that is present in the body long-term can have serious consequences on your health. Research has shown that cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and heart disease can develop from chronic inflammation. The great news is that fasting can help decrease inflammation levels and promote better health.

One review of 18 different studies determined that intermittent fasting can significantly reduce levels of C-reactive protein. C-reactive protein is a major marker of inflammation. A second study found that intermittent fasting for 1 year was more effective at lowering inflammation levels which in turn causes reduction of risk factors for heart disease.

  1. Fasting can improve brain function
    Further studies of fasting show that it can have a powerful effect on the health of your brain! Intermittent fasting for 11 months was found to cause improved brain function and structure. In one animal study, fasting has also been shown to protect brain health and cause the generation of nerve cells, which in turn, helps enhance your cognitive function.

Due to its ability to relieve inflammation, fasting could also help in preventing neurodegenerative disorders as well! Another study done on animals suggested that fasting may protect the brain from Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. If animals have better cognitive function when fasting, how much greater cognitive function could you gain by fasting?

  1. What type of Fasting should you do?
    The great news about fasting is that there are multiple forms of fasting! With many types of fasting, finding the version of fasting that works best for your lifestyle is very simple. Before deciding to fast, review the following forms of fasting that you can act on.

Water fasting: The first option of fasting that can be done is water fasting. Water fasting involves only drinking water for a set period of time. This fast can last for a few hours to a full week. Although it sounds impossible to do, water fasting can reap tremendous benefits.

Juice fasting: Like water fasting, juice fasting entails only drinking juices from organic vegetables and fruits. This type of fasting provide the nutrients needed, while still limiting the amount of calories consumed.

Partial fasting: This form of fasting is the most popular form of fasting. This is the elimination of certain foods like processed food or drink, animal products, caffeine or gluten from your diet. Many people who do this form of fasting fast from these foods life-long due to the improved health benefits and better quality of life it provides.

Calorie restriction: This form of fasting is just like it sounds. The amount of calories you consume are limited for a few days or even up to a week. This form of fasting is the easiest type of fasting to perform due to it not eliminating any form of food groups from the diet.

There is no denying the health benefits to be gained through intermittent fasting. If you have any questions about how to fast or what options you should take, please speak with our nutrition team. With the many types of fasting available, you can easily find the best version for your own body and use it to create a thriving lifestyle for your health.

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