How To Rapidly Improve Your Cholesterol Numbers (Even Though They Are Not Cholesterol!)

By Dr Ernst
February 21, 2022

Chances are you know about cholesterol – however I bet what you know is what “they” (BigPharma, BigGovt, BigFood and BigMedia) want you to know about cholesterol. Lets see how educated you are:

Is total cholesterol over 200 bad?
Is LDL over 100 bad?
Is HDL less than 50 bad?

Is Triglycerides over 150 bad?

If you answered YES to any of these then you might want to slap yourself across the face to WAKE UP and realize that you have been lied to, and programmed by BigPharma and BigMedia to believe cholesterol is bad for you.

Reality check – you can’t live without cholesterol.

In fact, LOW cholesterol is just as bad, if not more dangerous, than high cholesterol. Not to mention the fact that LDL and HDL are not, I repeat, not cholesterol!

What?? Surely, I must be incorrect – after all Harvard, Johns Hopkins, WebMD and even Google tell you that cholesterol (LDL/HDL) are cholesterol and are bad for you if low/high (respectively). Well time to burst your bubble!

LDL stands for Low-Density-Lipoprotein.
HDL stands for High-Density-Lipoprotein.

What is a “lipoprotein” well it’s a protein that can carry fat! This has NOTHING to do with cholesterol.

Cholesterol on the other hand is a compound of the sterol type found in almost every one of your body’s tissues. (Did you know your brain is made up of approximately 60% cholesterol and that cholesterol gives your cell membranes their fluidity). Cholesterol and its derivatives are important constituents of cell membranes and act as precursors of other steroid compounds (hormones like Vitamin D, Testosterone, Estrogen, Progesterone and Bile). Do you see where I am going with this?

LDL and HDL are not “cholesterol” – rather they are proteins that can carry or transport cholesterol, but they also can transport other essential nutrients to your body (saturated fats, vitamin E, vitamin D etc).

If your MD has been “yelling at you” about your cholesterol levels and has you on a satin, then pay attention – as what you are about to read could change your life and health forever! Total Cholesterol is a meaningless number (well it simply means the sum of your HDL, LDL and VLDL numbers). Yes, VLDL is real – it simply means “Very Low-Density Lipoprotein” and this carries not cholesterol but triglycerides! Bet your MD isn’t even testing those – but I digress.

How To Rapidly Improve Your Cholesterol Numbers (Even Though They Are Not Cholesterol!)

The 5 things I am about to share with you will drastically improve your cholesterol metabolism such that your carrier proteins (HDL/LDL) numbers will improve simply because you won’t need so many carrier proteins when your cholesterol and triglycerides are converted properly into hormones and energy.

Plant Sterols

Phytosterols are phytosteroids, like cholesterol, but found naturally occurring in plants. They can bind human cholesterol in the digestive system such that you literally defecate out cholesterol! More than 250 plant sterols have been identified and research shows that plant sterols can result in a 10-15% reduction of cholesterol. My favorite plant sterol is CholestePurePlus II – a supplemental form of plant sterols that are an exceptional alternative to dangerous statin pills – bonus they work!

EPA/DHA “Fish Oils”

There’s strong evidence that omega-3 fatty acids can significantly reduce blood triglyceride levels. So much so that BigPharma now has “synthetic fish oil pills” marketed towards lowering triglycerides (Vascepa, Lovaza and Epanova). Research shows that plant sterols can result in a 25-50% reduction of triglycerides

Viscous Fiber

Viscous fibers are soluble fibers that form a thick gel when they blend with water and include flax, chia, glucomannan, beta-glucans, pectins, guar gum and psyllium. Good whole-food sources include legumes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and gluten free oats. Research shows that consumption of viscous fiber can result in a 7-9% reduction of LDLs

Non-Oil Seed Legumes

Legumes come in two forms: Oil-Seed (Peanut & Soybean) and Non-Oil Seed (Peas, Beans & Lentils). AKA “Pulses” the non-oil seed legumes (Chickpeas, Cow Peas, Beans, Peas & Lentils) have been shown to result in a 5-8% reduction of LDLs when consumed regularly. Note – legumes often come with high amounts of lectins, which are dangerous. Pls ensure you are soaking/spouting your pulses to limit the negative effects of the naturally occurring lectins.

Tocotrienols (Gamma & Delta)

Research suggests that tocotrienols have an overall positive effect on human health, and specifically carry with them anticancer properties while also reducing risk of cardiovascular disease and lowering cholesterol levels. Tocotrienols may help slow the buildup of plaque in the arteries and decrease cholesterol levels. Look for Gamma and/or Delta tocotrienols in supplemental form. They even come as “mixed tocotrienols” which are also good. Research shows that gamma/delta tocotrienol can result in a 8-27% reduction of LDLs

Hopefully now you can see you have all the power when it comes to lowering your cholesterol and high/low and very-low density lipoprotein carriers – which will make your labs & health happy.

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