Medications vs Supplements – Are They Used The Same Way Accidently?

By Dr Ernst
May 3, 2022

Medicine claims to be a health care system – yet it’s not based on health at all. Instead it’s a symptom-based system that is primarily founded on the premise that a medication (Either OTC or prescribed) should be taken when a symptom appears so make those symptoms disappear.

Americans peer into their at home medicine cabinets or prescriptions looking for an answer to everything – from headaches, to acid reflux even chronic lifestyle conditions (arthritis, diabetes, heart disease etc). Sadly, it’s a knee-jerk reaction for most people that happens at the first sign of a mild headache or sniffle.
This idea has taken people into a non-health care system that isn’t focused on health and prevention but rather a merry-go-round of chasing symptoms with pills. This undermines the body’s natural ability to heal as its not identifying and addressing the real issue, which is often layers deep.
Medicine uses what is called an outside-in approach – that is you take something from “outside of your body” (A pill, A Shot, A Liquid) with the hopes of solving the issue – however as you have seen above, all they have identified is a symptom of the underlying issue.

For example, Synthroid (a medication used to treat thyroid disorders) is designed to keep thyroid hormones “in balance” but does nothing to address why the thyroid is underperforming, (90% of the time a hypothyroid is autoimmune – with antipodes present creating the drop in thyroid hormone). Also, every single synthetic medication has side effects and potential risks, and that also goes to over-the-counter medications.
Just because a 10-year-old a buy Tylenol children’s themselves at a pharmacy that doesn’t make it “safe.” Remember everyone’s body chemistry is different and will respond uniquely to certain medicines.
We were just speaking above about taking 1 medication, but the issue compounds severely when someone is taking more than one! is a website that you can investigate possible drug interactions and side effects that you may have due to the wrong medications being prescribed. Many people are never given interaction information by their doctor or pharmacist and are shocked when they the results of doing a medication history on

Remember, many Americans go to more than one doctor or specialist, and medications are often prescribed without looking at the bigger picture and possible interactions with other meds you may be taking.
According to WebMD: “A new survey finds 55 percent of Americans regularly take a prescription medicine — and they’re taking more than ever. Those who use a prescription drug take four, on average, and many also take over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and other dietary supplements, the survey done by Consumer Reports shows.

But many of those pills may be unnecessary and might do more harm than good, according to a special report in the September issue of Consumer Reports magazine. Among those who take prescription drugs, 53 percent get them from more than one health care provider, which increases the risk of adverse drug effects. More than a third say no provider has reviewed their medicines to see if all are necessary.” (SOURCE)

What About Supplements:
Your body’s normal state is to be healthy and vibrantly alive. Therefore, when a symptom of any kind is present its an indication that something is wrong. There is a cause to all problems. Functional practitioners support the notion that healing comes from the inside out.

Supplementation, when done correctly, can assist the body’s ability to heal, repair, and restore function. However, many people misuse supplements by taking them just as they would a medication – a “take this supplement for that” mentality. That’s not how supplements work.

Yes, Hyaluronic Acid can help your joints to make more fluid thus giving them better joint glide and help with arthritis. But that’s not going to take the arthritis away – it may feel better while on the supplement but again, the deeper root cause still needs to be investigated.

However, I would rather you take a supplement for symptoms than a medication for symptoms, as supplements carry little to zero possible side effects or interactions.
Many people run to vitamin stores and get numerous supplements without knowing if their body truly needs them. Some take fistfuls of supplements daily that they may not need. Ideally, you should get nutritional testing to identify which vitamins and minerals are deficient and in what amounts.

You should ever use supplements to take the place of food, and food is still the ideal way to get proper nutrients. However, it is challenging to get the nutrients one needs to be healthy because of depleted soils, produce shipped for thousands of miles over long periods, commercial/factory-farmed animal products, and highly processed foods.

There are other problems with supplements that should be considered:
• Low quality, non-organic ingredients
• Label claims do not match the actual contents
• The supplement industry is not regulated effectively
• Dangerous fillers and toxic ingredients

The Solution:
If you’re looking to reduce or eliminate your medication usage – we applaud you! You are at the front gates of your journey towards real health. A holistic, whole body, root-cause approach is always the best approach. High quality supplementation, chelation and diet therapy can help you to not only better manage your symptoms but address the underlying root cause to allow your body to heal itself!

Just know that through the journey you will need to take some natural products and the products we carry all have the PurePath Standard, which states that it uses the highest quality ingredients from the purest sources. Our products are also certified cGMP, certified Kosher, certified USDA Organic, certified non-GMO, and certified Gluten Free.
Blessings to you and your family as you embark on the journey towards self-healing.

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