Coco Snowballs

By Dr Ernst
January 28, 2022
These are the most amazing treats for the whole family. High in minerals, fats and enzymes; it is a super-easy way to boost your health. There are many variations possible – have fun with this basic recipe, and add what you like. Kids love them!
  • 2 C Raw nuts – almonds, cashew, walnuts, etc..
  • 2 T Xylitol or Monk Fruit
  • 1/2 C coconut shreds
  • 1/2 C raw cocoa powder

Soak the raw nuts overnight in water – just enough to cover them.

Pour off the excess water in the morning and run them through the blender to make a paste. You may have to add back some of the water for it to work.

Add the sweetener to the mix and roll the paste into 1″ balls.

Roll the balls in the coconut or cocoa powder and serve.

Can be refrigerated for up to 7 days – if they last that long!

Nutrient Booster:

Add 1 T Spirulina or Maca to the mix

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