Seven layer dip

By Dr Ernst
September 10, 2021

INGREDIENTS: (All Organic)

  • 1lb Grass Fed Ground Beef
  • 1 Package Taco Seasoning
  • 12 OZ Non-Dairy Sour Cream (Kite Hill)
  • 1 CUP Guacamole
  • 3/4 CUP Diced Tomatoes
  • 1.5 CUP Shredded Raw Cheese
  • 1/3 CUP Green Onion (Sliced)
  • Sliced Green Olives


  • In a medium bowl mix together sour cream and 1 TBSP taco seasoning and set aside.
  • Brown the beef in a skillet over medium/high heat, add the remaining taco seasoning and mix well.
  • Use an 8×8 glass casserole dish and layer the ingredients as follows: Cooked Ground Beef, Seasoned Sour Cream, Guacamole, Tomatoes,  Cheese, Green Olives, then top with Green Onions.
  • Serve with Grain less Chips or Sliced Vegetables.
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