Are Toxic Heavy Metals Preventing You From Losing Weight?

By Dr Ernst
January 2, 2018

Its January and the number one health goal on almost everyones mind is weight loss. Are you looking to drop 5 pounds, 10 or even more? If you have ever had difficulty losing weight (it simply won’t budge or you lose it but it comes right back again), you may have toxic heavy metals in your body preventing you from losing weight easily.

When you body is filled with toxins including heavy metals, it can be almost impossible to turn on your fat burning process. Until the toxins are removed, no amount of dietary restrictions, hormones or long workouts will yield results. The reason for this is safety and survival.

Toxins, including many heavy metals, are stored in fat cells – partly because most toxins are fat soluble and partly because fat can insulate you from the negative effects of the toxins if they were freely floating in your body. If you were to activate a fat burning process and started removing toxin-laden fat, you would liberate the toxins back into your bloodstream for distribution. The infinite wisdom found in your body realizes that would create a negative health state – so it simply prevents the fat from being burned – again for your protection. Until the toxins are removed, regardless of how hard you “work out” or “work at your diet,” nothing is going to happen.

Common sources of toxic metals include:

Mercury – Amalgam fillings, seafood, beauty products, immunizations, drinking water.

Lead – Drinking water, paints, pipes & toys. These days, most lead is inherited from our parents as it is able to cross the placental barrier.

Heavy metal toxicity affects individuals at the cellular level and compromises how well cells function. Considering the onslaught of toxins to which people are exposed today, and the coinciding obesity epidemic, a safe and effective heavy metal detoxification protocol is needed now more than ever before.

Understanding Weight-Loss Resistance

Heavy metal toxins have a unique ability to affect hormones ad create
hormonal imbalance which can lead to weight loss resistance. Yet, most of us don’t have a hormone problem (i.e., too much or too little); instead we have a hormone receptor problem – again because of the toxins and heavy metals.

Heavy metals often bind to the hormone receptor, similar to the hormone itself, only they do not activate the biochemical process (fat burning in the instance of Leptin, energy production in the instance of Thyroid, sugar metabolism in the instance of Insulin, hunger suppression in the instance of Ghrelin, etc).

What’s worse is that once bound to the receptor, most heavy metals do not let go, permanently blocking the receptor. Your body will recognize this, destroy the receptor and replace it with a new one. However, as you can imagine, if you have not addressed the metal toxicity the cycle repeats.

Leptin as an example

Leptin is a hormone that tells the brain to burn fat for energy. If the brain is not receiving the correct message from this hormone due to toxic receptor overload, then the body will literally not be able to burn fat for energy. Your brain will think you are at ideal weight, and thus not do anything at a metabolic level to remove the fat.

What does this mean?

Real and lasting weight loss is not possible when the body is in a state of toxicity, despite following a healthy diet and exercise regime.

But there is hope. Removing toxic heavy metals from the body, coupled with necessary diet and lifestyle changes, will heal and reset the hormonal mechanisms necessary for weight loss. And the best way to remove the toxic burden is by following the proper heavy metal detox protocol, under the guidance of a trained health practitioner.

Heavy metal toxicity is a major source of modern health challenges, especially for those who are experiencing the frustrations of weight loss resistance. Many spend thousands of dollars on quick-fix products, diets, and exercise programs that provide little improvement to their health, while their weight continues to rise.

Finding the root cause of illness is the initial step in any healing journey, and is true for finding the source  of one’s inability to lose weight.

First, determine whether heavy metal toxicity is causing health trou- bles. The amount of metals present can be determined with a simple, inexpensive urine test that locates the amount of 20 different heavy metals, ranging from Aluminum to Uranium.

Second, work alongside a practitioner trained in the proper detox protocol addressing the specific metals that are in toxic ranges.

Note: many OTC heavy metal cleanses include items such as Chlorella, Vitamin C, Cilantro and Milk Thistle. While these are helpful in aiding the body’s natural detox pathways, heavy metals require stronger chelation products than are available on the open market (DMSA, EDTA, CytoDetox, Glytamins, etc.) but do require monitoring and dosing.

If you are interested in determining your toxic load, speak with myself or Christen as we have a full heavy metal detox program available.

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