YIKES: Fried Foods Found To Increase Cancer Risks

By Dr Ernst
July 29, 2021

Here in North Carolina, we love our fried chicken. It’s a bit of a cultural point of pride really. That’s why it’s particularly come down with this news. Obviously, we have long known that fried foods are unhealthy. They’re high in saturated fats and sodium, but that’s not all. They really boost your chances of developing cancer, particularly prostate cancer in men.

Prostate cancer will affect one in six men during the course of their lifetime, as nearly a quarter of a million new cases are diagnosed in the U.S. each year. While many cases of the disease remain localized as a growing number of patients adopt a wait and see attitude toward the traditional slash, burn and poison treatment options, aggressive forms of prostate cancer are on the rise, threatening the lives of thousands of men annually.

Despite ever-increasing awareness that diet and cooking methods play a direct role in disease prevention and progression, consumption of overcooked and fried foods continues to increase at an alarming rate. A new research study conducted at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, WA has found that regular consumption of deep fried foods is associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer. Publishing in The Prostate, scientists determined the effect appears to be slightly stronger with regard to more aggressive forms of the disease.

Carcinogens formed when foods are fried dramatically boost prostate cancer risk!

Past studies have shown that high heat cooking methods greatly increase the risk of developing not only prostate cancer, but digestive cancers as well. This is the first study to examine how eating fried foods increases the risk of prostate cancer. Study scientists analyzed data from two prior population-based case-control studies involving a total of 1,549 men diagnosed with prostate cancer and 1,492 age-matched healthy controls. Food questionnaires were used to determine consumption of foods including French fries, fried chicken, fried fish and doughnuts. Frequency of eating fried foods was also assessed as part of the overall evaluation.

Researchers found that men who ate one or more of these foods at least weekly had an increased risk of prostate cancer that ranged from 30 to 37 percent. The lead study author, Dr. Janet Stanford commented “The link between prostate cancer and select deep-fried foods appeared to be limited to the highest level of consumption, defined in our study as more than once a week, which suggests that regular consumption of deep-fried foods confers particular risk for developing prostate cancer.”

The team determined that frying dramatically increases the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGE’s) on the surface of foods that triggers the formation of carcinogens such as acrylamides (found in carbohydrate-rich foods such as French fries), heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (chemicals formed when meat is cooked at high temperatures), aldehydes and acrolein. Complete avoidance of foods cooked at high temperatures or fried will dramatically lower the risk of developing prostate cancer and other digestive cancers as well.

Solution: Obviously reducing your intake of fried foods will drastically decrease the damage done to your body, but there is one key missing in the above study: HOW SUBLUXATED WERE THOSE PEOPLE?

They concluded increased risks of 30-37% – that also means there were a good majority that eat fried foods and did not develop prostate or other cancers.   A subluxation free body would heal from the damage of the fried foods naturally. So the real question needs to be, how subluxation free are you, your friends and family, AND are you sure that you are subluxation free? Do your x-rays show a near normal spine? Are you doing EVERYTHING you can to make sure you keep your spine healthy on a daily basis (adjustments, home traction, wobble, head-weights, spinal pillows at night etc)? Chances are, like me, you are not doing it as if your life depended on it. That’s why its so important to also apply nutritional changes, exercise and detoxification.

Other than that, you know what’s good for you–lots of vegetables, a good amount of protein, lots of water, lots of exercise and an active, healthy lifestyle. Throw in a good regimen of chiropractic care and you’re going to be heavily fortified against cancer of all kinds.

Until next time,

The Ernsts

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