Grainless Pumpkin Muffins

By Dr Ernst
September 19, 2022


1/2 Can Organic Sugar Free Pumpkin

2 Whole Eggs

4 TBSP Grass Fed Butter

1 TSP Vanilla Extract

1.5 TSP Cinnamon

3/4 TSP Baking Powder

1/2 TSP Himalayan Salt& Nutmeg

1/4 TSP Clove & Ginger

1 Cup Almond Flour

Raw Pumpkin Seeds (optional topping)


Preheat oven to 325F and use a silicone cupcake mold.

In a large mixing bowl combine all ingredients except almond flour. Mix well with an electric beater or kitchen aid standing mixer.

Fold in the almond flour gently until a batter is fully formed.

Spoon evenly into each muffin cup, filling 3/4 full. Top with additional pumpkin seeds if desired.

Bake for 25-30 min

Serve & enjoy!

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