Turkey Bacon Wrapped Salmon Patties

By Dr Ernst
August 22, 2022


2 LBS Wild Caught Salmon (cooked)

1/4 Cup White Onion

1/4 Cup Green Pepper

2 Cloves Garlic

1 Egg

2 TSP Dijon Mustard

1/2 TSP Himalayan Salt

1/4 TSP Black Pepper

6-8 Slices Turkey Bacon


Preheat oven to 350F

Flake apart cooked salmon and use a mesh strainer to “press” the fish mixture into to remove additional water.

Place pressed fish into a bowl and mix with finely diced onion, bell pepper, garlic, egg mustard and salt/pepper

Use a 1/4 cup measuring cup to scoop the salmon mixture into a “patty”

Wrap with 2 pieces of bacon then place on a baking see such that the loose ends of the bacon are on the bottom.

Repeat until all the mixture is used then place the wrapped salmon patties into the oven for 20-25 min or until the bacon is crispy

Serve on top of a salad or with a grainless bun as a “salmon burger”

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