Walnut Green Beans

By Dr Ernst
March 14, 2022

This classic French recipe boasts the health benefits of green beans and healthy fats that come with walnuts and butter. It’s a perfect side dish for everything from a quick dinner to a fancy affair.


  • Green beans (fresh or frozen) – use as many as desired. All ingredients can be adjusted to taste.
  • Crushed walnuts
  • Fresh grated nutmeg
  • Grass fed butter


Melt butter in non-toxic pan (no aluminum or teflon).

Add the green beans, walnuts and nutmeg.

Sautee until the beans reach your desired texture (soft and limp or crisp and crunchy)

*Nutmeg hint: Keep whole nutmeg in your freezer and use a micro plane to grate so you have it fresh for recipes. The taste is amazing and the nutmeg will last virtually forever in the freezer. 

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