Brussel Sprout Hash

By Dr Ernst
September 5, 2023


-6 slices of turkey bacon
-1/2 onion
-1 lb brussel sprouts

  • Salt and Pepper to season
    -1/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
    -2 cloves of minced garlic
    -4 large eggs

**4 servings


-In large skillet over medium heat cook bacon until crispy
-Remove bacon, add onion and Brussel sprouts to skillet and cook until vegetables begin to soften and turn golden. Season with salt and pepper.
-Add 2 TBSP of water and cover skillet. Cook until Brussel sprouts are tender and water has evaporated. Add garlic to skillet and cook 1 minute.
-Using wooden spoon make 4 holes in bottom of hash and crack 1 egg into each hole. Cook until desired doneness. Sprinkle bacon on top

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