Holiday Stuffing (Grainless)

By Dr Ernst
November 22, 2022


3 CUPS Onion

1 CUPS Celery

1 CUP Mushrooms

1 CUP Apples

1/4 CUP Dried Cranberries

1/4 CUP Parsley

1/2 TSP Himalayan Salt

1/2 TSP Black Pepper

1 CUPS Almond Flour

2 TBSP Avocado Oil

3 Large Eggs


Preheat to 350F. Melt avocado oil in cast iron skillet and add onion, celery, apple, mushrooms, cranberries, parsley, salt & pepper & cook for ~7min.

Remove from heat and mix the almond flour around all ingredients.

Pour whisked eggs over top and stir well.

Place skillet into the oven for 50-60min or until the top begins to brown.

Serve as a side to your holiday meal!

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