Lacto-Fermented Parsnips (Sauerrüben)

By Dr Ernst
October 23, 2016

Sauerrüben are a crisp and tangy alternative to traditional sauerkraut.  You can even take the finished product and chop into a “relish” or simply eat them right out of the jar!   A favorite side dish for any chicken, beef and or fish dish that are loaded with living, raw probiotics!


  1. Organic peeled and thinly sliced parsnips (10lb bag)
  2. 1/4 cup celtic sea salt;
  3. Basic Brine
    1. 2 tbsp celtic sea salt
    2. 4 cups of filtered water


  1. Place the sliced parsnips into fermentation jars or into a fermenting pot, pushing them into the jars with some force while adding the salt as you continue to fill the jars/pots.
  2. Ensure the liquid is at least 1 inch over the top of the parsnips but also 1 inch below the top of the jar/pot – as these will expand during fermentation.
  3. Cover with a clean towel if needed to keep out fruit flies.
  4. Place in a warm spot in your house (direct sun, near a heater vent, in the oven after brining it to 150 degrees and turning off). for 7-10 days
  5. Serve and enjoy!
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