Low-carb crunch wraps

By Dr Ernst
April 27, 2022


• 1 head cabbage cored

• 1 CUP raw cheddar cheese

• 2 TBSP avocado oil

• 1 LB grass fed ground beef or bison

• 4 TBSP taco seasoning

• 1/2 CUP Kite Hill Almond Sour Cream

• 2 CUPS lettuce shredded

• 1 tomatoes diced + deseeded


1.  Preheat oven to 400 F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Bring a pot of water large enough to submerge your cabbage to boil.

2.  Steaming the cabbage. Once the water is boiling, add the cored cabbage (note 1) and allow it to cook for two minutes. Use 2 sets of tongs to remove 1 cabbage leaf at a time from the cabbage–it’s easiest to pull the leaf using 1 set of tongs from the base.

3.  Sprinkle raw chedder into flat 4″ round circles on the prepared baking sheet. Bake in preheated oven for 6 minutes, or until the edges start to brown around the edges.

4.  Cook the beef/bison until done and add the taco seasoning

5.  Assemble. Place 3 cabbage leaves, spine side down, on a flat surface with the center of the leaves slightly overlapping in the middle. Start with the meat, a cheese crisp, sour cream (1/2 cup), diced tomatoes (1 piece), shredded lettuce (2 cup.  Tear each cabbage leaf in half so it is able to fold more easily, and fold each half toward the center. Cut crunch wrap in half, and enjoy!

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