Make Your Own Sunscreen

By Dr Ernst
September 18, 2020

Some oils are naturally protective against the sun’s UV rays… Coconut oil and Shea butter are 2 amazing ones we use in this easy-to- make sunscreen recipe. By adding zinc oxide to the mix you can get even more protection (equivalent to about SPF 20)

  • 2 oz. organic coconut oil
  • 16 oz. organic shea butter
  • 2 oz. organic jojoba, sesame, or sunflower oil
  • 2 oz. Vitamin E oil (organic if possible)
  • 30 drops essential oils, optional– combination of lemongrass or lavender or peppermint (added bug and burn protection)
  • .5 oz zinc oxide powder (Use 20% zinc oxide)

Mix all the oils together with a whisk, except the essential oils, in a double boiler and cook until the shea butter has melted.

Wearing a mask or kerchief to cover your mouth and nose, add the zinc oxide powder in to the melting pot. Stir until fully combined.

Now add the essential oils of choice and the vitamin E (for preservation) stirring completely.

To Use:  Reapply every 2-3 hours or after exposure to water /excessive sweating. The oils are photosensitive, so you can not leave your sunscreen lotion sitting out in direct sunlight. Keeping it in a cooler will prevent it from melting at the beach or pool in between applications.

Storage: Keep in the refrigerator when not using – this lotion should last up to 6 months.

Note: It is normal for natural oils to separate, just shake before each use.


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