Tasty Smoked Salmon Hash

By Dr Ernst
December 3, 2021

Smoked salmon gives this dish that special flavor.  Filled with good fats and protein, this is an excellent meal choice.  Add your own herbs, spices and veggies to taste and have yourself a feast!



  • 2 organic, free-range eggs, scrambled
  • 1/2 – 3/4 cup smoked salmon (lox), chopped into small pieces
  • 1-2 tbsps organic cream cheese
  • Fresh or dried dill, to taste
  • Celtic or Himalayan sea salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 tbsp organic cold-pressed coconut oil or grass-fed butter
  • Optional:  Additional herbs and spices, spinach, kale, diced onions


  1. Heat a stainless steel skillet on the stove.
  2. Add butter or coconut oil and heat until melted.
  3. Add eggs and cook until slightly firm but not completely done.
  4. Mix in the rest of the ingredients and stir.
  5. Serve immediately.
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