Hot & Sour Soup
Hot and sour soup is a favorite Chinese soup traditional to cuisines of Beijing and Sichuan. The challenge is most Americanized versions are filled with

Chocolate Chia Pudding
INGREDIENTS (All Organic): 1 CUP Dairy Free Milk (Almond, Coconut, Hemp, Cashew etc) 4 TBSP Chia Seeds1/4 TSP Vanilla Extract 1 TBSP Cacao Powder 10-15

Celery Root Puree
INGREDIENTS: (All Organic) 1 Large Celery Root Bulb 1 Large Lemon, Juiced 1/3 CUP Coconut Cream 2 TBSP Grass Fed Butter Himalayan Salt PREPARATION: Peel

Chai and Spice Smoothie
Want to add a little excitement to your morning smoothie? This is the perfect way. Rich and flavorful and so so good for you!! Ingredients

Mushroom Butter Steak Salad
INGREDIENTS: (All Organic) 1 LB Grass Fed Flank Steak 2 Cups Cremini Mushrooms 10 Sage Leaves 2 CUPS Spinach 2 CUPS Arugula 4 TBSP grass

Cinnamon Spice Heart-Shaped Fat Bombs
First thing you’ll need is a heart-shaped mold. You can get them at Walmart for as low as $10. This should only take you about

No Guilt Brownies
Who doesn’t love brownies? And these special brownies are even more to love. Filled with healthy proteins and fats without an ounce of sugar, America’s

Cauliflower Gratin
INGREDIENTS: (All Organic) 4 CUPS raw cauliflower florets 4 TBSP grass fed butter 1/3 CUP heavy coconut cream 16 OZ Raw Shredded Cheese (cheddar or

Organic Broccoli Salad
INGREDIENTS: (All Organic) 3 Heads Of Broccoli, cut into pieces 1/4 Red Onion, sliced 3 Slices Turkey Bacon, cooked 1 Avocado, diced 2 TBSP chives,

General Tso’s (Cellular Healing Style)
There is nothing quite like healthy asian food. While most restaurants load their up with toxic MSG and ingredients (mostly breaded and sugar loaded sauces)

“Super-Bowlfalo” Keto Chicken Dip
INGREDIENTS: 2 LBS Organic Chicken 16 OZ Grass Fed Cream Cheese 2 CUPS Raw Smoked Goat Cheese 2/3 CUP Keto Buffalo Sauce 1 CUP Keto

Stuffed Mushrooms
This party-pleasing recipe requires only 3 ingredients, takes literally minutes to make, and tastes delicious. They are great as an appetizer or as a quick