Your Potential is So Much More!
What is the first thought that goes through your mind when I ask this question… “Would you like to live to 120 years old?” If

Everything You Need To Know About Stevia
Did you know that the global market for stevia is estimated to be a 1/2 BILLION dollar market? The US leads the world in sugar

Dispelling the "Butter is Bad" Myth
We have all been trained by modern society to believe that saturated fat and cholesterol are bad for the body. Studies have shown that both

Do You Wish You Could Have More Energy?
Have you ever wished you could plug yourself in at night while you sleep-at least to give you more energy?!I bet there are moments during

What Does A Chiropractic Adjustment Have To Do With Adaptation?
Our bodies are designed to adapt. But to what? In reality, to every possible stimulus that we can think of! Did you eat something today?

Discovery of Protein More Closely Links Sugar to Cancer
A Madrid-based research team has determined that prolonged levels of high blood sugar “increase the activity of a gene widely implicated in cancer progression.” What

6 Body Systems That Have The Capacity To Regenerate
I expect when reading this you will look up and say to yourself “Can this be true?” or “Why haven’t I heard this before?” Yes

Amazing Benefits of Raw Lemon Juice
Summer is going to be here before you know it. The kids will be tearing up the house, you’ll be cranking up the AC and

The Importance Of Mobility And Flexibility
The Importance Of Mobility And Flexibility by Dr. Chris Demczar, DC, MS, CSCS Have you ever thought “gosh, I could do ______ if I was

The 7 Biggest Benefits of Whey Protein
You’ve probably heard of it. Maybe you just think it’s for bodybuilders. But whey protein truly has many health benefits. Here are my top the

Are You Taking Care Of Your Spine On A Daily Basis?
Think of all the things you did today to take care of yourself. You brush and floss your teeth/gums to enhance your oral health at