The 3 Secrets to Life-Long Brain Health
Over the last few years, I’ve made brain decay prevention a personal mission. I’ve read nearly every research paper ever published on the matter and

Time To Spring Clean Your Home From Toxic Household Products
It is estimated that the average household has up to 25 gallons of toxic substances. Most of this is contained in products we use every

Sitting As Bad As Smoking?!
Wait? Can That Be Right… I know what you are thinking… surely this can’t be true! For years we have been told by the surgeon

A Very Important Spinal Bone/Nerve: C1 (Atlas)
Author: Dr. Chris Demczar, DC, MS,CSCS The first bone in your neck is one of the most distinct and unique spinal bones: The Atlas(Cervical Bone

Stop Wasting Your Workouts
Working out is great. You should definitely do it, a lot. But like almost anything in life, there’s a way to do it that maximizes

Getting a full night of proper sleep is essential for your overall health not only in providing your body a physical recharge in energy but

The Amazing Benefits of CBD Oil
Maybe you’ve heard the story of Charlotte Figi. By the age of one, Charlotte was having several 30-minute-long, and up to two hour-long seizures every

The Many Reasons To Drink Lemon Water Every Day
Lemon water has quickly become a very popular beverage within health circles – not only due to the fact that lemons enhance the flavor of

Top Chiropractic Myths Exposed
Chiropractic care has been in existence for more than 120 years and in this time many have benefited from the therapy of a Chiropractor. Yet

Top Anti-Aging Foods by Gender (It Matters!)
For Women Today, people are searching for ways to keep themselves feeling and looking younger. In addition to keeping an active lifestyle, eating well can

Lectins: Consider Decreasing Consumption For Maximum Healing
Lectins are carbohydrate-binding proteins that are found in many foods you would con-sider to be healthy – yet they themselves can have negative effects on

The Power Of Plants (Phytonutrients) & Their Many Benefits
All plants have a built in natural defense mechanisms designed to protect them from damage caused by ultraviolet radiation while they grow as well as