Kidney Stones: Solutions For Prevention/Passing
Kidney stones are one of the most common disorders that affect the urinary system and results in more than 1 million doctor’s visits annually. Statistically,

Everything You Need To Know About Nightshades
Not all vegetables are created equal for everyone. While vegetables are a significant source of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, fiber and antioxidants, they could also be

Squashing Stress With 6 Natural Techniques
While the holidays run in “the most wonderful time of the year” they also tend to bring the “most stressful time of year.” Stress comes

Are You Deficient In Vitamin L(aughter)?
The health benefits of Laughter have been noted throughout time. Some scholars even believe the phrase “laughter is the best form of medicine” stems from

Survival Tips For Your Holiday Shenanigans
Chances are the thought has crossed your mind: “How am I going to maintain/sustain the success I have had now that the Holidays are upon

Knee Pain? – Try These Natural Solutions
Knee pain is a very common complaint for many adult Americans. This could be anything from swelling, discomfort, inability to bear weight, weakness, instability, reduced

Natural Ways To Burn Fat Without Exercising
T-minus 8 weeks and counting until 2020. The majority of us will start dusting off the Christmas/New Year’s cheer by re-prioritizing our health goals into

Overcoming Constipation, A Common Effect With Detox/Ketosis
Let’s face it… there’s a good chance you have had to deal with some constipation at some point. Having good bowel habits may be one

Feeling Tired, Unmotivated or “Out Of Sorts?” It Could Be DOPAMINE
Dopamine is one of the many neurotransmitters used by your brain for its day to day function. Dopamine is unique in that it is one

So Many “Non-Dairy” Milks – Which One Should I Choose?
Would it come as a shock if I told you that 45 million dollars is allocated annually for “diary advertising” in the US? Yes, the

Histamine Intolerance Could Explain Headaches, Bloating & More
Histamine has long been associated with runny noses, itchy/inflamed skin from an allergic reaction and common allergies (most OTC allergy medications are histamine blockers). Just

Benefits of AIP Diet (Auto-Immune Paleo) & Why It’s For Everyone
This past weekend I was at a functional medicine conference titled “Leaky Gut and Auto-Immunity” presented by Dr. Kari Vernon. She brought together more than