These Drinks Hydrate Your Body Faster Than Water
Hydration isn’t as easy as it sounds – yes, water is by far the best thing on this planet you can drink – but so

There’s No Beans About It – Your Coffee Must Be Organic!!
Coffee provides more than just your morning “pick-up” – according to the University of Scranton (Pa) it’s the #1 source of antioxidants in the American

The Many Ways Traditional Medicine Is Failing You – Part 2
Last week I wrote an article where I touched on a few of the common reasons why the medicine of today is not providing us

The Many Ways Traditional Medicine Is Failing You
Despite the many advances in medical science (did you know they are currently developing a real-life “Star Trek Tricorder” to be able to scan for

6 Different Types of Fasts
Fasting isn’t quite as simple as just not eating. There are several reasons why someone would fast – to lose weight, to fight disease, for

Stress Relief: A Welcome Side Effect Of Chiropractic Care
Stress ranks at an all-time high in the United States and throughout the world. A lack of confidence breeds uncertainty and worry. Emotional stress and

Having Trouble With Ketones? Check Your Protein Intake
There’s nothing quite like a juicy grass-fed hamburger (no bun, collard wrapped obviously) topped with raw cheese, turkey bacon, avocado, and fermented pickles or sauerkraut.

How Worried Should You Be About 5G?
Depending on who you ask for the answer to the safety of 5G Technology, the answer will vary substantially. Obviously, the major cell phone carriers

How To Self Test For Food Sensitives or Bio-Individuality
Have you ever noticed that your blood sugars elevate or your ketones drop drastically, all of a sudden, as if for no good reason? It’s

Are You Being Mislead By Food Labels?
Organic. All Natural. Non-GMO. Pasture Raised. Superfood. Gluten-Free. Grass-Fed. Made with Real Ingredients. There are certainly a lot of buzz words found on many packaged

Natural Solutions For Seasonal Allergies
What makes this time of year so beautiful is the warm weather, bright sun and fresh air – a sign that spring is in the

Natural Antiviral Protection: The Importance of Vitamin D
During these times of uncertainty, there is one thing you can be certain of – your body was designed to handle viral pandemics. I know